Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Crystal Clear
A better mom.
A better significant other.
A better friend.
A better writer.
Because I want to be better. Not better than you. Not better than someone in another room. Just better than I've ever been.
Thoughts are starting to swirl for each and every area, special things that'll let my kids know (even more) how much I love them, creative ways to let my friends know how much I treasure them, goals I want to achieve in my writing, etc.
That said, I'm still open for ideas. Particularly surrounding #2. And since all of us love romance, I can't imagine there'd be a better place to set up a few chairs and invite a little brainstorming on this particular topic.
So here's my question for all of you...
What are some creative ways to let your sweetie know how much he means to you?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy holidays, and some recipes
My favorite...yes, you guessed Christmas!
I am so excited about tomorrow, and it's not about the presents, although I know there will be many. Too many, perhaps.
But the moment I live for is the one when my family sits around the dinner table, gives thanks for being together, and celebrates what a wonderful and privileged life we have.
Food is a big part of our holiday festivites so I thought I would share this year's dessert recipe - Eggnog Cheesecake - with you. Trust me when I say it is de-licious!
And of course we all know that calories consumed on Christmas Day don't count!
Today on my personal blog I'm also sharing a recipe for a wonderfully easy recipe for a festive couscous salad. I'm serving it with chili tonight at my family's Christmas Eve get-together.Eggnog Cheesecake
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
3 tablespoons melted butter
Combine crumbs, sugar and melted butter. Press into bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 325 F for 10 minutes. Let cool.
1-1/2 pounds (750 grams) cream cheese, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup whipping cream
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 eggs
2 tablespoons dark rum
1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg
In a food processor (or mixing bowl) beat cream cheese, sugar, cream and flour until smooth. Beat in eggs, rum and nutmeg. Pour over crust. Bake at 425 for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 250 F and bake for another 45 minutes or until edge is set and set and the centre still jiggles slightly. Turn oven off. Run a sharp knife around edge of cake, put it back in the oven and let it cool in the oven for 1 hour. Remove to rack and cool completely.
To serve, remove from pan and drizzle with melted semisweet chocolate.
Serves 10 to 12.
With best wishes for a joyous and happy holiday,
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Writing Advice
Happy holidays!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
'Tis the Season to be Thankful

Even their cat, Bitsy, had to relocate but found a temporary home with a friend.
Now, thanks to lots of hard work from my nephews and nieces, Peggy and John are settled into an apartment as their home is not wheelchair accessible, and she won't be able to walk for many months. My husband and I drove from Texas to Kentucky last week and have been helping, as much as possible, to get them settled into the apartment. Having familiar items, furniture, art, etc. is very important to Peggy and John. Yesterday I spent the day hanging their favorite prints so they could see them, getting my sister's greeting cards and birthday list organized, and sneaking a favorite dessert in for us to share while my brother-in-law was at a doctor's appointment for five hours with my nephew.
I would like to think that I would do the same wonderful job as John G., Laura, Bek and John T. if I had to, but I'm not sure that's true. My nieces and nephews have done a tremendous job coming together to care for Peggy and John. They've made tough decisions (the family home must be sold) and performed many little acts of kindness to make their parents more secure and comfortable. Listening to their tribulations with Medicare, Adult Protective Services, and the Veterans Administration has made me realize how difficult growing older can be. I have no idea how people could exist for long without a caring family to do the hard work, fill out all the forms, and actually become the parents when their own can't perform that role any longer. It's a sobering and amazing realization.

(This photo, me beside our little Christmas tree at our lake house in Mineola, TX while our dog looks on.)
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
'Tis the Season
Yes, I’m late. It can’t be helped. This past week has been loaded with things to do. Sunday was writers' group holiday party, Tuesday was critique group, Wednesday was Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert, Thursday was last chance to get titles for September book ready to send, Friday (last night) was oldest granddaughter’s performance in local ice show (she's the wooden soldier, below), and added to all of it is a January 3 deadline on that same September book, the sixth set in Desperation, Oklahoma. I am running behind. And now we’re down to that very last week before Christmas, and I’m hoping it at least begins to calm down.

But I do have my shopping done, which is a miracle. Well, all but three gift cards for three daughters and hungry sons-in-law, and I’ll pick them up Monday. Nothing is wrapped, but I did buy wrapping paper and ribbon! The tree is decorated…several times, since Jaxon and Payton seem to think everything needs to be moved around on it at least a dozen times each day. School will be out for the other three grands starting Wednesday, and guess whose house they’ll be at on weekdays for the duration of the holidays? And that deadline still looms.
So forgive me for being late today, but now that you’ve reached the end, be sure to take with you...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Happy holidays!
I hope 2011 brings you all the good fortune you can handle—and then some.
I’d like to take this post to say thanks to my fellow Harlequin American Romance authors here at the blog and to all the readers who have stopped by to chat and swap stories.I'd also like to say how thankful I am for my own good fortune. With FAMILY MATTERS out just this past October, 2010 has been a wonderful year for me. The book garnered some great reviews and an award nomination. Even better, it has reached new readers who have written to me to say hello.
With A RANCHER’S PRIDE due out in May 2011, I’m looking forward to fabulous times ahead, too.
Hope to "see" you again soon. Meanwhile...
a happy and healthy new year!
As always,
All my best to you,
Barbara White Daille
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Old West Christmas Dinner

Thanks to the North Pole West, I thought it would be fun to share a few Wild West Christmas Dinner Menus. Show these to your guests and they won't complain about the food at your table!
Christmas Dinner Menu Camp Desolation,1848
Recorded by Thomas E. Breckenridge, member of Colonel John Fremonts 4th expedition west.
Fried Mule Mule Chops Boiled Mule Stewed Mule Scrambled Mule
Shirred Mule French Fried Mule Minced Mule
Damned Mule Mule on Toast(without toast)
Short ribs of Mule with Apple Sauce (without Apple Sauce)
Beverages: Snow Water
"It really makes no difference how our meat was cooked. It was still the same old mule".
Booth Family Christmas Dinner, Four Mile House, Denver, Colorado 1883
Stewed Oysters Boned Turkey Stuffed Ham
Mashed Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes
Fried Celery Turnips Beets
Gelatin with Fruit Nuts Plum Pudding
Baked Lemon Pudding Fruit Cake with candied oranges
Christmas Dinner Fort Custer, Montana
Troop G 1st US Cavalry 1889
Oyster Soup Macaroni Soup
Lobster Salad Franch Slaw Shrimp salad
Vegtables Roasted Potatoes Steamed Tomatoes
Chow Chow French Mustard Worchester Sauce Pickled Cucumbers
Pickled Onions Broiled Prairie Chicken Roast Porterhouse Beef, natural sauce
Venison, applesauce Pig Turkey w/cranberry sauce Oyster Dressing
Mince Pie Cranberry Pie Apple Pie
Preserved Peaches Preserved Pears Apples Raisens Nuts
Tea Coffee Chocolate
Christmas Dinner Fort Conger, Artic Circle
Greeley Expedition 1881
Mock Turtle Soup
Potatoes Green Corn Green Peas Asparagas
Roast Beef Fricassed Guillemot
Spiced Musk Ox Tongue Tenderloin of Musk Ox
Crab Salad
Ice Cream Grapes Cherries Pine-apples Coconut Pie Plum Pudding, wine sauce
Dates Figs Nuts
Candies Chocolate
Coffee Eggnogg
Wherever and however you celebrate this Holiday Season remember it's not the food that matters but the people--friends, family, neighbors--that you celebrate with!
Happy Holidays!
Roughneck Cowboy *Men of the West* Feb 2011
The Bull Rider's Surrender *E-HQ Weekly Read* March 2011
Rodeo Daddy *Rodeo Rebels* April 2011
The Bull Rider's Secret *Rodeo Rebels* July 2011
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I love the holidays. No, really I do.
Funny thing is, I’m the one who hasn’t been in the Christmas spirit this year. Even with a brand new granddaughter, the holiday mood has escaped me. So back to my earlier comment, I’ve been playing lots of Christmas music to try to get in the spirit. At home and in the car. I took my mom and her sisters to a live Vocal Majority Christmas performance that was wonderful. We got into a discussion after Vocal Majority as to what the best Christmas song is. One started out with how O Holy Night makes her tear up. Her twin likes Silver Bells because it makes her smile. My mom chose White Christmas because it reminds her of WWII. I have quite a few favorites, but The Christmas Song is topping my list this year. You know, ‘Chestnuts roasting on an open fire’. I’m also fond of Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow because of the romantic element.
So tell us what your favorites are and why. Do they remind you of a special person or Christmas memory?
If you have time, please stop by the Harlequin Community Open House tonight. The Harlequin American chat is from 7:00 – 8:00 EST. Hope to see you there.
Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Can I please have an extension on my Christmas shopping/decorating deadline?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Life is Just a Box of Teabags!

Last week amongst my list of goodies to purchase at the supermarket was the tea my husband favors.
Twinings Russian Caravan smells like smoked camel dung, evoking memories of a bygone era when the great camel caravans roamed the Russian Steppes or the Silk Road. Since timber was heavy to carry and in many places, scarce, the nomads cooked over fires fuelled by camel dung. Good idea since it was no doubt in plentiful supply, however, the thought of drinking something that smells like it, is enough to turn my stomach.
Being the dutiful wife, I’m happy to lug a packet or two home when he needs to restock, brew up a cuppa and perhaps dream of a past life when he too drove camels or whatever across those ancient roads. Only problem is I couldn’t find the loose leaf variety he prefers. In fact not only could I not find Russian Caravan in loose leaf form, nor could I find any type of tea that wasn’t packaged in tea bags!
When I questioned the manager he explained that tea bags sold better and lasted longer than leaf tea.
Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve been to Sri Lanka, seen the vast fields where tea, aka Camelia chinesis grows under the blazing tropical sun, seen the gaily dressed ladies picking the newest tips of the plants, seen them dry it, chop it into tea leaf size and then pack it into old-fashioned tea chests to be shipped to wherever in the world they package tea. All every lovely and informative…
Until our guide cheerfully informed us that since the invention of tea bags, production had increased 25%!
My ears pricked up at this bit of fascinating information. How, I wondered, could this be?
He indicated the tea dust covering the floor which consisted of tiny remnants of the leaf tea that didn’t make it into the tea chests. “We sweep it up and put it in the tea bags.”
Being a practical person, I thought this seemed like a goodish sort of idea.
Until one of the workers hawked and hawked and then coughed up an enormous amount of phlegm and spat it on the floor.
Since any number of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, are endemic to Sri Lanka and just about anywhere else in the third world that produces tea, one could deduce that sweeping up phlegm-laden tea dust and putting it into bags is not only a bad idea, in spite of its thriftiness, but violated every hygiene standard known to mankind.
So as I watched them sweeping the floors and carefully collecting the tea dust into huge plastic bags for placement into tea bags and shipment direct to a store near you, I swore I’d never drink tea from bags. Never mind that the water that’s usually poured over the tea bags has been boiled—facing the prospect of death by tuberculosis, swine flu or even ebola for all I know—was a health risk too far.
So as I stood in the supermarket aisle debating whether it was worth risking my husband’s long-term chances of living a healthy life against how much I’d get in insurance if he succumbed to a teadust-laden disease, I remembered that long-ago trip to Sri Lanka and wondered just how did they impart that scent of camel dung to the tea? Perhaps a lump or two of dung was added to the tea chest or dropped on the floor prior to packaging?
And what other monstrous things were added to the original tea leaves to give them such flavours as Lapsang Souchong (sounds like a dog breed), Lady Grey (her remains?) Earl Grey (his remains!) Touareg (toe nails of North African nomads?) Buddha’s Tears (yuck!) Gunpowder (say what?) Golden Monkey (doesn’t bear thinking about!) and finally, White Monkey Paw, which I really don’t want to think about!
I wonder if Prince Charles drinks Prince of Wales tea? Which reminds me of something I think I read in the memoirs of Ronald Reagan. Prince Charles spent a night in the White House and next morning his morning cuppa arrived… with a tea bag in it. Himself inspected the item and asked what it was. Apparently he’d led such a sheltered life he’d never had to rub shoulders with a lowly tea bag before.
So the next time you’re at the supermarket and about to reach for that box of tea bags, ponder a moment: just how much does your health mean to you.
To celebrate the release of the third novel in my O’Malley Men series, Colorado Cowboy, and to win a copy, tell me your most grossly enlightening moment. I have three copies to give away!
Til next time,
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
I just found the free online sudoku. I played all day Saturday. Now, that sounds like an exaggeration. Y'all know me and know I like to tell a tale in a dramatic way, with humor if possible. But this is the honest truth.
I'd planned on a writing day, where my dear husband was gone and my dear son was ignoring me, er, playing on his video, er, doing his homework. I'd even made a schedule, for pete's sake, of how much I'd write this week. After all, I'd just read my first chapter at critique group and felt pretty pumped up by the feedback.
But after finding the game (at which I stink, btw, but that only spurs me on for some reason), I really did nothing else. Wait! Not true. I made lunch and chased a strange dog from the neighbor's yard (note to self: don't answer the phone when trying to play sud--er, write), and answered some emails, but that was it. Not a lick of writing. I didn't even open the document.
I had planned to hide my addiction. I was going to write this entry on how great family is at all times of the year, but especially at the holidays. Then they came in from different parts of the country and gave me a wicked cold, which dampened my enthusiasm a bit. I thought about writing about hitting the deer that jumped in front of our car -- had it stood still and not jumped INTO the road, we'd all have been fine, but alas, the car is still at the collision shop, so I can't quite get into a spirit of fun about the incident yet.
In the hope that confession will take away the guilt and the allure of playing, I'm spilling the truth instead. No more sudoku!
However, today, there on my FaceBook page was a little square showing a new (to me) game I love: Wheel of Fortune. Turns out I'm good at it. (Words, who'd have thunk it, right?)
So, it's time for y'all to step up and confess. What games do you play? And more vital, how do you stop? I'm not ready for an intervention yet, but a little advice would be appreciated.
Enjoy the holidays!
Megan Kelly
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Monthly Recipes
Appetizer: Garlic Cheese Roll
1 lb. sharp yellow cheese (cheddar) grated fine
cornbread dressing. The recipe doesn't specify how long to bake it and I can't recall, but I would plan about 40 - 45 minutes.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
To enter the contest simply leave a blog comment and your name will go into the drawing. Simple and painless. And FREE BOOKS.
So check back often and be sure to leave a comment. Good luck!
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Do You Have a Great Stuffing Recipe?
He’s now on a healthy eating plan, plus we have some dear ones who don’t eat pork. For Thanksgiving, he tried out a new recipe involving oranges, which sounded great at the recipe level but turned out a bit sour. He added currants and raisins and some sugar, which brought it up to the level of palatable, but it fell short of his standards.
Do you have a great stuffing recipe that you can vouch for? Especially one that’s moderate to low in fat and doesn’t involve pork? I would love to have it, and I’ll share as many as I have space for with readers next month (assuming I receive some – hope hope!). Rather than post these, since they might run long and I might miss them, please email me at I hope we can find one for my husband to make this month for the holidays!
Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy my December release, The Holiday Triplets. It’s book three of my Safe Harbor Medical series, but it stands alone, so you don’t need to have read the previous two (The Would-Be Mommy and His Hired Baby). There’s a fourth entry coming up in February, Officer Daddy.
Wishing you a great holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year, and I’ll look forward to hearing from you!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Checkin' His List
The same held true for my youngest who was just shy of three months when her first Christmas rolled around. Granted, she hadn't even reached the book-chewing stage, but still she got books. Lots and lots of books.
Books meant cuddle time.
Books meant quiet time.
Books meant the kind of special one-on-one time with each girl that I will forever hold in a special place in my heart.
Fast forward fifteen years with the one, and twelve years with the other and the one staple under the tree each year is books. Sure, they represent slightly different things at this point in their lives, but they are no less special now than they were then.
Books offer an escape.
Books offer a place to learn.
Books offer a chance to slow things down and regroup.
And giving books gives me an excuse to roam around in the bookstore for hours on end...
Ah yes, the truth is out (don't tell anyone, okay?). :)
So how about you? Do you give books for the holidays?
P.S. I'm holding a sort of holiday contest on my alter ego's website. Each week, from now until Christmas, my blog readers have a chance to win a book for their best friend. Curious? Visit
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Shop or Sleep, That is the Question
I've never really been a Black Friday shopper. The thought of all those lines, the crowds, the mad dashes to get the few items available at the advertised super-low price just don't appeal to me. I'd rather go to the stores when I can shop leisurely or order presents online. But that got me to wondering...if you love the madness of Black Friday shopping, why?
So, dear readers, are you shopping today? If so, did you get any great deals? Or do you want to wait for calmer shopping conditions?
And let's pretend Santa is listening...What do you want for Christmas?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Today, there will be parades to watch, turkeys to roast, the laughter of family and good friends. We’ll give thanks for those who are with us, say a prayer for those who are not, eat, catch up on one another’s lives. And, after the dishes are cleared and the leftovers are stored, someone will break out a guitar, another will reach for a fiddle. My sister will pick up her mountain dulcimer, and there will be music.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What I love most about the holidays is...
Virginia C
Congratulations, Virginia! Please email me via my website and send your mailing address!
Everyone who knows me knows how much I love everything about the holidays. I've also had a lot of wonderful things happen in the past month and have much to be thankful for, so it already feels a lot like Christmas. So I hope you'll help me celebrate by posting a comment here, because I have stuff to give away.
What exactly am I celebrating?
First there was the fabulous cover for The Wedding Bargain (January 2011).

And then RT Book Reviews gave The Wedding Bargain a fabulous 4-star review. Here's what they said:
"McKenzie's tale evolves with sincerity and sizzling passion as two wary individuals fall hard in this touching story."Color me happy, happy, happy!
Okay, so enough about me.
What's in this for you?
Well, for starters I'm giving away a copy of Firefighter Daddy (July 2010).

The winner will also receive a festive, handmade polka dot garland. How fun is this?

In addition to these two prizes, I reserve the right to throw in a few other goodies, at my discretion.
Now for the big question...what do you have to do for a chance to win?
Simply post a comment that finishes this sentence:
What I love most about the holidays is...The name of one commenter will be drawn from my hat and posted the end of THIS post...on Friday...the day after Thanksgiving. Check back then!
Happy reading! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy holidays!
Until next time,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday Night Lights, Modern Texas Style

Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Best Thanksgivings
Each year when I was a young girl, one of the aunts (my great aunts) or cousins would host Thanksgiving, then another would host Christmas. Those were the two times a year I could count on seeing all my cousins. Sometimes it was our turn, but I liked it best when we went to Aunt Dorothy's house. She and her husband lived on the farm in the big house near Clearwater where Uncle Milt had been born in 1900. For many of those years, it seemed to me that it took most of the day to drive there from our house in Wichita, although it's only about twenty-five miles.
My mom was the designated turkey roaster, and I would awaken on Thanksgiving morning surround by the aroma of turkey. I doubt we ever missed the Macy's Christmas Parade back then, even as we packed up the turkey and other delights to head down the road to our holiday destination. Everyone brought something to eat. Aunt Dorothy's chocolate pie was always in high demand. At her house, there was a huge, solid wood table where the grown ups all sat. There were always at least a dozen of them, laughing and talking as they passed around the food. Kids sat at card tables, sometimes on Sears catalogs to boost us to the right height.
When dinner was over and the women had cleaned up, while the men--mostly farmers--sat in the living room, talking throughout the football games, the decks of cards were pulled out of the drawer in the buffet and the rousing games of pitch began. The games lasted throughout most of the afternoon and into the late evening, long past dark, and I can still hear the sounds of their voices, whooping and hollering at each other over each hand dealt and each card played.
But it was later in the evening that became my favorite as we grew a little older. My three female cousins and I made the table talk. Some call it table knocking, others call it table rapping, but whatever it’s called, the use and purpose is the same. One person on each side, if possible, hands flat on the table top and concentrating so hard that the house should've rocked, we mentally lifted the table on one side/two legs. Questions asked were usually yes or no, or sometimes involved counting. One knock for yes, two knocks for no. The adults eventually grew quiet, ending their last game of pitch to watch us. Uncle Sterl (Aunt Lucy's husband) would hoot and boo at us, convinced that one of us had to be tilting the table. We weren't. "How can we?" we'd ask and show him that the table could rise several inches...with no legs touching the floor. He never did believe us. One of my cousins reminded me recently that one year the table talking was so rambunctious, one of the legs broke!
I miss those holidays, and especially the talking table. We kids grew up and had kids of our own, who now have kids of their own. We made new traditions. My great-aunts, great-uncles, parents, and even a few of the older cousins are gone, but those Thanksgiving and Christmas memories will always be my favorite. If, like Emily in Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, I could choose a time to revisit the past when I'm gone, it would be a holiday at Aunt Dorothy's house.
Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thanksgiving Dessert
The one thing I've done through the years whether we eat alone or with family is to prepare a special dessert. I love to watch the food network when I can and Paula Deen's show is one of my favorites. Because of Paula I now have a favorite Thanksgiving dessert. If you're looking for a twist on the traditional pumpkin pie you must try Paula's recipe for Pumpkin cheesecake. It's to- die-for. You can find more of Paula's recipes at
No matter who or how you celebrate Thanksgiving this month, I wish you and yours a blessed holiday.
Paula Deen's Pumpkin Cheesecake

• 1 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
• 3 tablespoons light brown sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1 stick melted salted butter
• 3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, at room temperature
• 1 (15-ounce) can pureed pumpkin
• 3 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
• 1/4 cup sour cream
• 1 1/2 cups sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1/8 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
• 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
• 2 tablespoon all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
For crust:
In medium bowl, combine crumbs, sugar and cinnamon. Add melted butter. Press down flat into a 9-inch springform pan. Set aside.
For filling:Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add pumpkin puree, eggs, egg yolk, sour cream, sugar and the spices. Add flour and vanilla. Beat together until well combined.
Pour into crust. Spread out evenly and place oven for 1 hour. Remove from the oven and let sit for 15 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours.
Roughneck Cowboy (Feb 2011)
Rodeo Daddy (April 2011)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Life has been a bit crazy since my last blog

On October 28, our daughter-in-law gave birth to our second granddaughter, Katherine Grace. This is their second daughter plus my older son and his wife have two boys, so Katherine is not my first grandchild, but she’ll probably be our last. Not only does that make her especially precious, but my daughter-in-law invited me into the delivery room. This was the first time I’ve ever been in a delivery room when it wasn’t me delivering and it was quite an experience. I got to watch them clean up the baby and all the hubbub that happens those first few minutes of life. I got to see the expression on my son and daughter-in-law’s faces as they first held their beautiful daughter. I too got to hold her when she was only a few minutes old.
I guess I’m feeling nostalgic, but in addition to our family my best friend and her family were at the hospital to help celebrate Katherine’s birth. Debra and I started 4th grade together and have been best friends ever since. Our kids grew up together and went to the same high school. And Debra babysits both her granddaughter and mine so they are growing up friends. As will her new grandson and Katherine.
That’s three generations of friendship. I feel blessed in so many ways.
Do you have friends who have always been a part of your life? People who you are almost closer to than family? I take that back. Not ALMOST closer to, but actually CLOSER.
Sunday, November 07, 2010
When Am I??

Thursday, November 04, 2010
November Recipes

■1/4 cup butter or vegetable oil
■Use flour and oil or butter to make a roux. Do this by combining the two ingredients in a heavy saucepan and cooking over a low heat, stirring constantly until the mixtures turns the color of a copper penny (about 15-20 minutes).
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
The Heirloom
Perhaps I should back up. My husband’s Aunt Sandy used to be a flight attendant for TWA. Back in the 70′s, she brought home an elephant foot table from Africa for her dad-my husband’s grandfather~AKA-the man who had everything. Rumor has it that the table was used and bragged about, and was the focal point of more than one house tour.
Years passed. The foot went into storage. When both grandparents passed away, Tom’s mom couldn’t bear to just toss out the thing, so it was passed to my husband’s relatives, taking up space in attics. Sitting and, well…molting. (the years have not been kind to this foot)
Fast forward to last month. My husband was talking to our son Arthur, who reminded him that the University of Alabama’s mascot is the elephant.(Roll Tide!) And, well, didn’t Dad think that elephant table would go GREAT in Art’s apartment?
My husband agreed!
(No, I wasn’t consulted)
Two weeks ago, we went to Charlotte to go to Tom’s cousin’s wedding. That’s when my husband decided he was going to track down that foot.
And so he did. Before the wedding and during the reception, Tom went from one relative to the next, just like a police investigator. Finally he discovered that Matt, the groom, now owns this foot! It’s in his mother’s attic. No, Matt’s new bride didn’t know about the foot…and no, she did not want the thing in their new home. (She is beautiful and smart!)
But Matt was not going to give up the heirloom easily.
Turns out, Matt needed tools. So Tom made a deal. He offered to buy Matt and bride tools as a trade for the foot. After all, it was their wedding day.
The next day, Tom drove to his aunt and uncle's house, got that foot, and took it to UPS. There, he asked them to carefully wrap it up. They were grossed out, but just like they say in their ads, no job is too big or too small.
Last Thursday~the 40 year old elephant foot, all hairy, yellowing, icky and molting~arrived here. Tom plans to tie a red bow around it and give it to our son for Christmas!
Until then, it’s out of the box and taking up space in my husband’s office. The wiener dog barks at it every time she sees it. I can hardly look at it.
So…I’m thinking maybe my son needs his surprise Christmas gift sooner than later. Arthur comes home this weekend. Maybe it’s time for an early Christmas present?
I hope we’re not the only ones to have possession of a truly awful family ‘heirloom’. Anyone have something they’d rather not have that gets passed down from generation to generation?
Shelley Galloway
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
To enter the contest simply leave a blog comment and your name will go into the drawing. Simple and painless. And FREE BOOKS.
So check back often and be sure to leave a comment. Good luck!
Monday, November 01, 2010
Covering the Subject
He’s an obstetrician and hospital administrator with whom she butts heads while adopting the triplets after she learns she can’t have babies the traditional way. This is a love story multiplied by their growing feelings not only for each other but also for the little ones.
It’s impressive that the artist got everything right, from the genders of the babies (two girls and boy) to the hero and heroine’s coloring. Of course, we writers fill out a form for Harlequin, providing this information in advance, but the artist has to find models who fill the bill, compose the picture and capture the warm, loving spirit of this family-to-be.
Recently, I’ve loved all my covers, but that hasn’t always been the case. Before I start grousing, though, I should explain that there’ve been far more hits than misses among my 84 published books (with three more scheduled for next year). Also, I appreciate the work of the professionals even more now that I’m designing smaller, simpler covers for reissues of my early, non-Harlequin books for the ebook reading devices Kindle and Nook.
One outstanding cover received special recognition. In 1999, Harlequin published The Art of Romance, subtitled A Century of Romance Art. This small volume contained 30 postcards, each an actual Harlequin cover beginning in 1914 and ending in 1997. I was impressed to find that the collection included the cover of my 1996 Harlequin American Yours, Mine and Ours. The cover shows the hero, heroine and three small children arrayed pinwheel style, head to head, lying on the floor, and it’s really cute. I only wish the artist had been credited so I could compliment him or her.
What’s my least favorite Harlequin cover? (I have a few least favorites from other publishers too, which I’m very happy to replace as I post the ebook editions). Ironically, it’s The Runaway Bride from 1995, the book that came out right before Yours, Mine and Ours (it was not the same artist; I recall the editor mentioning that). My heroine had an outdated hairstyle and wore an ugly, short wedding gown.
But that beats a historical romance cover I once saw from another publisher. If you looked closely, the hero had three arms. That might have made for some unusual love scenes, but no thank you.
Although we’re all warned not to judge a book by its cover, readers can’t help doing that. As for us writers, we’re grateful and appreciative when our covers match or surpass what we hoped for.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Finding Me

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Little Help From Your Friends
I just got back from the New Jersey Romance Writers annual conference, Put Your Heart in a Book. As usual, it was a ton of fun. There were wonderful workshops, great conversations about writing and lots of laughter. My friend, Sarah White, and I presented our workshop on flawed heroes again. It went well, despite our spate of nerves when Sharon Sala, keynote speaker for the conference, sat in on it.
Giving a workshop has been a real learning experience for me. As the saying goes: I know what I know. Putting it into a coherent format and imparting it to others is the toughest. But when I see heads nodding and maybe an “aha” expression on someone’s face, it’s the greatest feeling. Better still is the question and answer session at the end where we get to help people figure out some of the “hard parts” to their stories. Because everyone needs help with the hard parts. Conferences are a great place to get that help, whether it’s via a workshop or a conversation with a new friend about your latest work-in-progress.
Oh, and I have to give a shout-out to my fellow Maryland Romance Writers. Of the five chapter-mates that I knew attending the conference, two had finalled in the Put Your Heart in a Book contest, and two had finalled in the Gold Leaf contest. Better still, Christie Kelley won the Gold Leaf for her historical romance, Something Scandalous, and Marta Bliese won Put Your Heart in a Book for her unpub’d paranormal, Hangman. Yea!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Break out the Bubbly!

I was especially pleased that they included the champagne flutes on the cover because this book is set in San Francisco and Michael, the hero, runs his family’s winery.
Of course writing a book about a winery required a little research, so last New Year’s Eve my husband and I went on a wine country tour in Napa Valley.
The first stop on the tour was Domaine Chandon, a winery that produces sparkling wines.

Virgin mimosas are every bit as festive. Simply replace the sparkling wine with chilled ginger ale, lemon-lime soda or tonic water.
And as always, if you drink, don’t drive. If you’re pregnant, please don’t drink at all.
Visit me at!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New Proposal Advice - From You!
I'd love your advice on one aspect of this new story: children. Specifically, I'm thinking of twin boys about age four. Here's the setup.
Colby Yates (older brother of Charlie Yates, the hero in book six, The Texan and the Cowgirl) has dated a single mom from Graham, TX, but they discovered they were better friends than lovers. She has twin boys and is estranged from both her disapproving family and the boy's father. She worries about her boys, so she lists responsible rancher Colby as their guardian in case something happens to her. Which, unfortunately, it does.
Colby is running his ranch and really cares for the boys, but he needs help fast.
Darla Maxwell (who has been in all of the Brody's Crossing books) has been the nanny for Cal and Christie Crawford's two children since the oldest was a baby. Before becoming the Crawford nanny, she was a kindergarten teacher. After her roommate Debbie McMann (introduced in A Texan Returns and the heroine of The Texan and the Cowgirl) marries Charlie Yates, and other friends are also married with children, Darla decides to get a life for herself. She wants freedom from caring for other people's children (even though she loves the Crawfords) so she can eventually have a family of her own.
Darla and Colby were a couple in high school (first love) but broke up when she went away to college, then married and divorced. Colby is hesitant to ask her because of their history, but he really needs help and can't think of anyone more qualified than Darla to care for the two boys. After she meets them, she reluctantly agrees to help until he can find someone permanent. She still intends to leave town and pursue her dreams. Of course, she gets drawn into their lives and grows to love them all.
I have one daughter, one step-daughter, and two granddaughters. Needless to say, I haven't been around boys very much! I would love your input on twin boys, four year boys, or any type of advice on fostering or guardianship. What is the most fun thing about twins? What type of trouble do four year old boys get into? If anyone has been in a guardian role, what was the most rewarding aspect for you?
Also, tell me what you think of the story. I'd love to discuss this new proposal! Thanks in advance for all your help.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Spirit of the (Halloween) Season

Halloween--or All Hallow's Eve or All Saint's Eve--is celebrated in many parts of the world. Its origin is linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in), when ancient Celts believed the curtain between this world and the spirit world thinned to allow spirits to pass through. Have you been thinking of having a seance? Halloween would be the perfect time! Even today the holiday is celebrated in much the same way by Pagans and others. In case you're curious, has lots of interesting information about the history and traditions of Halloween.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
The awful truth about great reviews

You thought I was going to say dirty, right? Sorry to disappoint you. ;-)
This post is meant to be quick and honest.
The awful truth about great reviews is that each review is only one person’s opinion.
On the other hand, the wonderful thing about great reviews is that each review is only one person’s opinion—and reviews are most often written by people who are not our mothers, fathers, siblings, critique partners, friends, coworkers, workout partners, or grammar school lunch buddies.
I’ll confess, I used to think the opposite was usually the case. I’m ecstatic to report that it’s not! :-)
All my best to you,
Barbara White Daille
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Cowgirl Sayings
I know the cowgirls we write about in our modern-day romances must display the proper decorum to be considered heroine material but we authors can play fast and loose with cowgirl "secondary characters." I'll be launching a new series beginning April 2011 called Rodeo Rebels. We've all heard about the "Buckle Bunnies" that follow the cowboys around the circuit and those sweet honeys make perfect secondary characters that add color and humor to our books. In Dexter: Honorable Cowboy (July 2010) I mention a buckle bunny named Roxy who hounds Dusty--Dexter's infamous "Wild" twin brother. If you've read a rodeo cowboy story then you know it just wouldn’t be any fun without a buckle bunny around to shake the cowboys' spurs loose from their boots.

Cowgirl up!
Cowboy butts drive me nuts!
So many cowboys, so little rope!
Cowgirls do it in the saddle.
If you get in the saddle, be ready for the ride!
Boots, chaps and cowboy hats… nothin’ else matters.
If it doesn’t involve ropin’, ridin’, or saddles, count me out.
Cowboys are proof that cowgirls can take a joke.
When you count your blessings, count your horse twice.
You wish you could ride like a girl.
When in doubt, let your horse do the thinking.
Tell a gelding, ask a stallion, discuss it with a mare.
My other ride is a cowboy.
Cowgirl: A better-looking cowboy with brains.
Pretty in pink…wicked in spurs.
Thanks to here's the last saying!

Have any favorite cowgirl sayings you'd like to share?
Roughneck Cowboy (Feb 2011)
Rodeo Daddy (April 2011)