Friday, July 02, 2010
Monthly Contest Winner
June is the winner of our *June* drawing. To claim your prizes please contact Rebecca Winters and Tanya Michaels through their websites.
We're always giving away books here at the blog. Your name is entered into a drawing each time you post a comment on our blog throughout the month.
In additon to our monthly book giveaway mark your calendars for July 16th when Marin Thomas will blog about the second book in The Codys: First Family of Rodeo. Marin will be giving away autographed copies of Dexter: Honorable Cowboy as well as some fun cowboy "stuff" so be sure to stop by on July 16th for our next One Day Only Media Blitz Contest!
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Wedding Bliss
So, how many weddings did you attend in June?
I went to three, but I only got to eat the food at one of them. Guess which:
1) A nurse and a neonatologist, who postponed their wedding plans after a disagreement over whether to have children, walked down the aisle at last. They had joyously resolved their differences after babysitting triplets.
2) Despite a flood and a heat wave, a wedding planner brought off her own ceremony to perfection. Two darling children escorted her to the altar, where her handsome groom – a widower she met on-line – couldn’t wait to make her his bride.
3) A hospital attorney happily exchanged vows with the surrogate mother to his baby daughter. At the reception, his brother and best man, a police officer who relishes bachelorhood, met a woman who just might change his mind.
Which of these romantic scenarios is real – hence the food – and which are scenes from my upcoming books?
The flood might give you a clue, especially if you happen to know that I’m from Nashville. Yep, that’s No. 2. Although some guests had to relocate from the flooded-out Opryland Hotel to another inn and a heat wave drove the reception indoors, my brother, Paul, and his beautiful new wife, Myrna, had a flawless wedding at the Temple in Nashville.
Myrna’s young grandsons walked her down the aisle. And yes, she really is a wedding planner at For All Occasions in the Washington, D.C. area. Judging by her own wedding and reception, I’d hire her in a minute (but my husband of 31 years might balk).
The nurse and the neonatologist made an appearance in the first book of my Safe Harbor Medical miniseries from Harlequin American, The Would-Be Mommy, last February. They finally tie the knot in book number three, December’s The Holiday Triplets.
In between, hospital attorney Tony Franco and his surrogate, Kate Evans, get their own romance in August’s His Hired Baby. Then, next February, at their wedding in Officer Daddy, Tony’s brother Leo strikes sparks with obstetrician Nora Kendall.
There’s nothing like a love story with a happy ending!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
An Unexpected Spark

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Writer In Residence
My friends, Mary and Barbara, decided to ask their book club to read my April book, An Unexpected Father. They also wanted me to speak at their monthly meeting. I was intrigued—and flattered—by the idea, and a date was set.
Afterward, I had an attack of “oh, what have I done.” This group tends towards the literary. Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence was their last read. How the heck was I going to stack up against him? So, I was a little nervous when I walked into Barbara’s apartment. There were about a dozen people there, apparently a bigger crowd than usual. Gulp! When it was time to start, I was pointed to a chair at one end of the room and the questions began.
From there, the evening went effortlessly. What struck me most was how interested they all were in the process of writing. We talked about the book and the characters, but more about how it got written, how all books get written. I realized that, if D.H. Lawrence had been sitting where I was, they would probably have asked him the same questions.
Where do you get your ideas? Literally everywhere. From the newspaper, from the internet, from the bus driver, from the grocery-store clerk, from you.
How long does it take to write a book? It depends on the length of the manuscript, but around five months for An Unexpected Father. I’m a slow writer compared to others I know, but what matters to me is how I feel about the results at the end of each day. If I’m happy with what I’ve written, even though it was only 500 words, then it was a good day.
How much time do you spend writing each day? In the best of all worlds, six to seven hours. Of course, there are the distractions of life like laundry and cooking and exercise. I confess that I’m easily tempted away from the keyboard by the offer of coffee and a pastry, too.
Who are your favorite authors? It’s a long list. I’m a voracious reader across all genres: Jane Austen, Mary Renault, Larry McMurtry, Robin McKinley, Dorothy Garlock, T.A. Pratt, David Lodge and soooo many others.
These were just a few of the questions the book club asked. I had nothing to fear and had a great time. I should have known: talking to people who love books is always a joy.
What questions would you ask me, if you could? Or D.H. Lawrence? Or any of the authors of the books on your bedside table?