Here's the setup. Ten women sing, five go home, and the outcome is decided during that show by the judges. (This is before the pubic voting started.) One of the contestants sang something very dear to her, but not, shall we say, in her wheelhouse. It was a risk. The song meant a lot to her personally, which meant she had passion and she did okay, but the judges couldn't envision her on a big venue stage someday with that kind of song.

What if she'd said, "I took a chance; if I go home, I have a nice job waiting?" Doesn't that change how you feel about her song choice? Maybe how you feel about her entire performance?
Which got me thinking. Is it better in life to have a safety net, a Plan B?
No way do you want a Plan B, says my inner risk-taker. Having Plan B means you
don't give it your all while attempting Plan A. You always wonder if you felt safe during A (complacent?) because having a Plan
B means you can't fail either way. So you don't risk, don't sing the harder
song on Idol, don't put your all into it because it's okay if you fail since
you have Plan B. Your effort is divided. Or you do risk, but it's not as crucial to win. Your competitive edge is blunted.
See my problem? Let's say the show is called Sing For Your Supper and winning the judges' approval means that woman (now my heroine) could eat that night. And she's starving, having spent all her money getting to Vegas. She's been sleeping in her car for three weeks. Unable to afford dinner, she drank water and ate some fries off her friend's plate. Two days ago.
Wouldn't she be crazy not to sing the safe song and ensure her spot for one more week--and her dinner finally that night? Or should she give it her all, trying to stay in the competition (and eat) by outshining everyone with this song that means the world to her?
Please weigh in. Risk taker or safety net?
Megan Kelly