Maybe it's the winter doldrums of beige Oklahoma consuming me with wanderlust, or maybe just the post-holidays blahs. Either way, I've fallen in love all over again not with a hunky Navy Seal, but a TV show called International House Hunters. My favorite episode features a couple and their small child relocating to Dubai. Something about the concept of living in a chrome and glass high-rise with a resort-style pool at my disposal sounds irresistibly decadent. Even better, the husband's company funded it all!!
Don't get me wrong, we have a great house, but the recent addition to our family of a squirrel having taken up residence in the kitchen, combined with a plumbing leak, combined with carpets needing to be cleaned has made me long for that old promise Calgon bath beads used to make about "taking me away"!! LOL!!
On the flip side, the couple who moved from Canada to Hungary didn't seem nearly as content. (At least I think it was Hungary.) They ended up with a half-constructed shell they're unable to get a construction loan on in order to complete. Now stuck indefinitely in a cramped apartment, I'm thinking their adventure didn't turn out so grand.
This is what keeps me running to good books or movies as opposed to actual real estate agents when I'm looking to get away. Knowing our luck, Hubby and I would end up with a house wackier than the one we already have!! Can't you just imagine . . . We take off for somewhere crazy-exotic like say, Cairo, only to find our oasis infested with cobras and reeking of camel poo??!!
Ugh. Guess I'll keep trying to catch our squirrel, call a plumber and pray for Spring!!
How about you? Craving a winter escape?