Thursday, July 26, 2007

No More Easy Sell for Me!

A few weeks ago I was watching Road Tested, where Jamie and Bobby Deen travel to towns and cities around the country to visit family-owned food businesses. There they help the owner cook up the specialty of the house, then sit down to eat. They smack their lips and rave about everything, making me always want a taste. I can get one if I want, since viewers can order all the products online. That particular night coconut (a favorite of mine) was the featured ingredient, and I could not resist. I went online and ordered several packages of both the plain and chocolate-covered treats. Neither kind was as good as Bobby and Jamie made them look. I’m thinking that with a little experimentation I could make far tastier versions of the darned things myself.

This is not the first time I’ve bought something I never realized I wanted, simply because someone talked it up. My hairdresser sold me the coolest tanning stuff for my legs. Never mind that I already had some at home, or that hers was pricey. She sprayed it on her legs and they actually shimmered. So I bought a can. Later I realized that the gel on my bathroom shelf does the same thing, plus it doesn’t pollute the air wash off in the shower. Sigh.

These are only two examples of the many times I’ve bought on impulse. It’s time for me to face the music: I’m an easy sell and always have been, and from now on, if I think I want something I plan to think about it awhile before plunking down my hard-earned money.

If anyone else out there an easy sell?
Summer Lovin’ Anthology: A Reunion Story, June 2007
Mitch Takes A Wife, August, 2007


Jennifer Shirk said...

Ugh. YES! I'm an easy sell.

Keep those Mary Kay women away from me! I always buy their stuff when it's plopped in front of me. And I'm not even sure I like it that much.


Anonymous said...

A fellow easy sell. LOL. Glad to know I'm not alone.

CrystalGB said...

I am an easy sell too. Send a little child selling items for school and I always buy something I don't need

Anonymous said...

Who can resist a child? LOL. I've done that too. Magazines I don't want, candy I don't need. I'm thinking if we added up all the stuff we bought and really didn't want or need, we'd be shocked.

Cherie J said...

I am as well but not as much as I used to. I have been burned too many times. Still have trouble resisting a child selling stuff for school though.

Christa said...

I thought I was safe from all those commercials on tv selling useless stuff because I don't have a credit card but then they opened one of those "as seen on tv" stores. Plus somebody at my step-mother's church was selling Regal.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Lots of us have this problem. Know what? I'm glad I'm not alone.

Estella said...

I also have trouble resisting a school child selling something.