Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Was Wrong

Before I admit to how I was wrong, I want to congratulate our RITA finalists, Linda Warren and Cindi Myers. You do us proud!! The judges obviously have excellent taste.

Now, about being wrong... It happens. Quite often, to be honest. Last month I posted that Spring had sprung. I certainly thought it had. After all, the first official day of Spring was March 20. On the following Monday, we had proof when tornadoes were spotted in the area. That's always a good sign that Spring has arrived in Kansas. Nothing new.

On Friday--only five days later--we ended Winter...with two inches of sleet, covered by at least six inches of snow. That's Stay-Home weather, as far as I'm concerned. The problem was, in the midst of the sleet, that sounded more like hail, and at eight-thirty at night, I went to pick up my daughter who was at work. I wasn't half-way there when my windshield wipers froze. Not the blades, but the arms that move them. I fixed that--with lots of prayers--and went on about my not-so-merry way. The usual fifteen minute drive took almost an hour, but I made it safely to her workplace.

The trip home would have been eventful if I hadn't noticed the car I was SLOWLY and at great distance following, doing a little slip-and-slide to the side. Just as I was saying to my daughter, "Looks a little slick up ahead," an SUV came from the opposite direction, slid around the car ahead, barely missing the back of it, and came sliding toward us sideways. It's impossible to stop on two inches of frozen sleet. A whole band of angels must have been watching over us, because somehow I managed to avoid the SUV without losing control of my own car or even barely sliding, and righted myself in my own lane, the SUV left behind in a cloud of...well, sleet.

So, yes, I was wrong. We had spring and winter...within a five day period. At this late date, we don't expect snow again until, well, winter, whenever that is.

If you'll all join me in a rousing rendition of In the Good Ol' Summertime, I might make it through Spring.


Estella said...

So glad you avoided an accident!

Linda Warren said...

Wow, thank God you were quick and observant, and a really good driver. Of coourse, all those angels helped, too.

We're having spring here in Texas, just beautiful weather.

Thanks for the congratulations!