Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Writers' Resources

Since I’m too busy writing and teaching to come up with ideas, I’d like to list some reference books by and about writing and research that I’ve found especially helpful. Perhaps some of you will, too.

Save the Cat, by Blake Snyder. A perceptive breakdown of how to structure a script or book so the plot really works.

Creating Unforgettable Characters by Linda Seger. The title speaks for itself.

Making a Good Script Great by Linda Seger. This book is helpful to novelists, too, in rewriting and refining their work.

Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass. An experienced agent looks at the big picture for novelists.

Eats Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss. This is an absolutely hilarious, passionate take on – believe it or not – punctuation.

True Blue: An insider’s guide to street cops for writers, by Lynda Sue Cooper. If you write about police and have never spent much time with them, you’ll find this invaluable.

Forensics for Dummies by D.P. Lyle, M.D. Here’s a richly detailed compendium to make the forensics in your murder mysteries credible.

Also, I've posted writing tips on my Web site, Enjoy!


Marin Thomas said...


I'm going to have to look for the Eat shoots and Leaves book--sounds like a fun one!

The Breakout Novel is also a terrific book.


Magdalena Scott said...

Eats Shoots and Leaves is hilarious for writers. For normal people, not so much. I laughed til I cried, so I guess you know I'm not normal.


Thanks for the list, Jackie! Have a great day!

Linda Warren said...

Thanks for the list. I have a couple, and now I have to buy Eats Shoots and Leaves.

Anonymous said...

I'm an new writer, trying to write my first romance. Thanks for the advice.