Friday, March 28, 2008

The Conspiracy to Freak Out Tanya (or, gee thanks Trish!!!)

I posted not too long ago on a group blog that I've been watching DVD eps of Supernatural. Fellow HAR author Trish Milburn got me hooked even though she knows darn well what a wuss I am. I caught part of an episode on TV once and decided that perhaps the show was too scary for me, but Trish insisted I'd like the byplay between the brothers. She was of course right--the brothers alternately bring tears to my eyes and make me laugh out loud when they're harrassing each other. Sibling interactions are one of my favorite things to write, which is why a family/community oriented line like HAR is just perfect for me!

Anyway, I'm now working on a Supernatural essay for BenBella Smart Pop that requires me rewatching certain episodes, including a few that freaked me out the first time. So, last time I blogged about this conspiracy to keep me awake for the next ten years, I mentioned that my daughter came to complain that there was "something in her closet" the same night that an episode started with a little girl--you guessed it--telling her mom there was something in the closet (which, of course there, was).

Well, it's gotten worse. I don't watch anything scary until after my kids are asleep in their rooms, but it's like my daughter has a sixth sense (pun not intended) that I'm awake watching paranormal stuff late at night. Her most recent complaints were that there was something under her floor and that her bed was moving!(Creepy, but at least she doesn't claim to be seeing clowns. Once that happens, we sell the house).

The topper, however, was the other night, when one of the March storms blew through...and we lost power right in the middle of a 'sode!!!

It's not weird to sleep with a teddy bear and night light at 33 is it? Just, um, hypothetically...


Megan Kelly said...

Tanya, Supernatural is my FAVORITE program. The brothers are hilarious and touching, not to mention good-looking. But if your daughter sees clowns, definitely move. (Clowns eat you!) The bed moving is creepy enough. Enjoy!

Jennifer Faye said...

Tanya, it's okay to sleep with your teddy. My house is full of Boyd's bears although I have to admit I don't sleep with any of them. LOL.

As for Supernatural, my dd owns the first two seasons and loves it, but I have to admit I haven't watched it. I'm more of a Gilmore Girls type.

Trish Milburn said...

Bwahahaha! My evil plan has succeeded. :)

Well, you know Supernatural is my favorite show (great taste, Megan). Hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes.

Christa said...

When Alias was on tv I never got into it either but when my friends got all the seasons on discs I couldn't wait for them to come home so we could watch a few more episodes

MJFredrick said...

Supernatural is my favorite show, too! In fact, I'm rewatching season one for the same reason as you ;) Ever try to write 3000 words about a CAR?

Christa, I didn't get into Alias till it was on DVD, either, and then I was HOOKED.