Saturday, May 19, 2007

Frenzied in my chair

If you walked by my office and saw me sitting at the computer, I’d look busy, but calm. The truth is, I’m frenzied! Deadlines for a contracted book, a proposal for a new novel, plus a synopsis for another. I want to include the proposal and the synopsis with the contracted book. Then there’s an e-Harlequin promotion and the text for that, due soon. All these things are keeping me busy, busy, busy. Now don’t get me wrong. I like to be busy, setting goals and striving to meet them—that’s my preferred mode.

But sometimes all the work gets to be a bit much. You know the old adage, all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl? Well, it’s an adage because it’s true. In light of that, I’m taking most of the weekend off to play. Seattle is hosting its third annual Cheese Festival this weekend and I’ll be there, wallowing in cheeses from all over the world. Hopefully when I come home I’ll be ready for a week of hard work.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable, stress-free weekend,

Ann Roth
Summer Lovin’ Anthology: A Reunion Story, June 2007
Mitch Takes A Wife, August, 2007

P. S. To date there is no word on the title of that book you helped me with. I hope to find out the title soon, though, and will keep you posted.


bettye griffin said...

Ann, I know just what you mean. I'm trying to get my synopsis completed to submit with my manuscript, complete my manuscript by July 1st, plus promote the two novels that are out this month.
Right now I'm dying to take a nap, but I've got too much work to do!

At times like this I'm always reminded of that line from The Godfather, Part II: "This is the business we've chosen!" (palm slapped on table for emphasis)

Bettye Griffin

Anonymous said...

Bettye- That's a great quote! Wishing you a good night's sleep,