Monday, December 18, 2006


It’s that time of the year. Oh, yes it is. Time to think of gifts to give your loved ones and friends. I firmly believe it is better to give than to receive. I love giving gifts especially if its something I know the person really wants. On the other hand, I sometimes feel uncomfortable receiving gifts especially if its something I would never buy for myself—like a pair of Mickey Mouse slippers with a head that actually bobs up and down. But I smile and remember it is the thought that counts.

Then there are the gifts that come out of blue that mean so much. I have a friend who works in a doctor’s office. She called to say she’d ordered ten copies of my latest book to give to the ladies in her office and her daughter's teachers. Those kind of gifts, to borrow a phrase, are priceless.

And I found out this week that The Christmas Cradle—a Nov 2004 American is now out in the United Kingdom. I received two emails this week. That was a really nice gift. I was able to tell the ladies about Once A Cowboy, a spin off of The Christmas Cradle, that comes out in Feb.

Sometimes the best gift is not a gift, but an act of kindness. I’m wishing all of you a special act of kindness this holiday season.
Linda Warren

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