Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Permission to say no

The holidays are upon us. I'm finishing my second to last day of teaching before winter break, which starts this Friday.

I have set a goal for the holidays: giving myself permission to say no.

I'm going to start by saying no to buying those extra presents that will destroy my budget. No, I'm not being scrooge, but rather you know those last minute impulse gifts that you really don't need--you've already bought the perfect gifts and think that they aren't enough. They are.

I'm going to say no to all eating more than I should. If my goal is to slim down, I have to practice my resolutions now, not starting Jan. 1. I'm also watching my favorite movies while I walk on the treadmill, saying no to being a couch potato.

I'm going to say no to things that sap my writing time. I'm on deadline, and the week after Christmas I'm going to do three 12-hour days Monday-Wednesday to kick a lot of my November 2007 American out. I'm leaving my calendar blank and rewarding myself by doing fun things on Thursday and Friday. Thus, I'm also saying no to crowds, doing my returns a little later in the week.

The holidays are draining, and I'm usually sapped by the end of them. This time, I'm saying no to stress (somehow) and I'm going to enjoy them. That means catering a dinner (hello Honeybaked Ham) rather than cooking. I like to cook, but the goal is to see everyone, not have me over a hot stove. Catering will give me time to do what is most important, spending time with those I love. I'm saying a big yes to that.



Christa said...

I think my son has this saying no down. I asked him to go to Tim Hortons and get some cookies and he said he was too busy playing his video game. LOL
I think another way to cut down on cooking would be to have everybody bring something. Also I've been trying to convince my step-mother to have a ham instead of turkey. Sometimes she will make Roladen(pickle, bacon, salt, pepper, mustard and onion rolled into thin pices of veal and cooked in gravy). These can be made ahead of time and frozen, then just defrosted in the oven the day of.

Michele Dunaway said...

Mmm, Christa, that sounds good! My mom's birthday is on Dec. 24, so we end up doing at least two days back to back. My mom is hosting her own birthday party this year and I'm hosting Christmas. My brother and family are facing a layoff in March, so my mom and I are doing all the food to save them from extra food bill (they usually do Christmas eve).
