Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life's Unexpected Treasures

After months of living in a fairly limbo-like state, my daughters and I are settled in our home in New York...or as settled as we can be when the actual home we're moving to is still about 6 weeks in the distance (and 99 percent of our belongings are in storage). But we're getting closer.

Now, while I don't consider myself a "stuff" person AT ALL, there are some things I'm dying to reclaim from the 10 by 10 storage closet they currently call home...

*My recipe box (along with my crockpot and my favorite pots and pans). It's amazing how much you can look forward to cooking/baking when the opportunities to do so have been few and far between.

*My ankle boots. While I realize it's still flip-flop weather, my favorite pair is almost worn to the ground...making me keenly aware that boot season is right around the corner.

*Framed pictures. Nothing says "home" to me more than pictures of my kids around the house.

*My desktop computer and printer. Although I have my laptop, I miss the scads of files I have on my desktop. And having to run to Staples whenever I need to print something is getting a little old.

*My white standalone shelf unit. Now before you scratch your head on this one, let me explain. When one of my earlier small-press mystery novels sold to Harlequin's Worldwide Mystery a few years back, I used the advance to buy myself some office furniture. Nothing expensive mind you, but stuff that was MINE. One of those things was a standalone shelf. On it, I prop the books I've published (face out, of course), house the spine-out titles of some of my closest friends, and proudly display photographs that mean a lot to me.

And I am counting the days--the days--until I can set this unit up and decorate it from top to bottom once again...

This time with new pictures (I have a great one of my daughters and me from my launch party a few weeks ago) and new books (my first-ever mystery with Penguin's Berkley Prime Crime Line and a special reserved spot for my Harlequin American debut, Kayla's Daddy), and new keepsakes (a collage of notes from my editor highlighting some very cool accomplishments over the past few weeks).

So how about you? What are some possessions you'd miss terribly after months of doing without?



Lisa Ruff said...

I had a bunch of stuff in storage for a while and I had two reactions when we pulled it all out: 1.) Wow! This is so cool, I forgot I had that! 2.) Wow! This is such garbage. What was I thinking when I bought that? lol

Laura Bradford said...

LOL, Lisa. I imagine I'll have some of the second, as well.

But for now...can't wait to see it all.

Lynn Cahoon said...

I lost a lot of stuff when we moved from Idaho to Illinois. And, because it's gone, I've put it in higher esteem than it probably deserves. Especially since I'm a PACK RAT.

But the things that are important to me I've learned to surround myself with again. (Must not buy another book until TBR pile is down...)

Laura Bradford said...

TBR piles are the best, Lynn!

And pack rats are special people, IMHO. They tend to see memories and meaning in the littlest of things--a book of matches from a certain restaurant, a napkin from a special night out, etc. I think the memories those little "nothings" create are priceless.

Pamela Stone said...

It's funny to me to study different people and their 'stuff' habits. I'm far from a pack rat, although my husband is to the extreme. We recently sold both our home and my mom's and the three of us moved into one house. Needless to say, we've all gotten rid of tons and most of it I'll never miss. Well, two of us have. We won't talk about DH.

The fun thing about moving Mom in with us was unpacking all her stuff. The cookie jar that I've snitched homemade cookies out of all my life is sitting on the cabinet. A little marble top table that always was beside my dad's chair is sitting between the recliners. Two tiny ceramic lop eared bunnies are mixed in with all the stuff on my kitchen hutch. It's like melding my childhood and adulthood in one home.

Truthfully about the only thing I miss is a little quiet time and my hot tub. Boy do I miss the hot tub.

Mint said...

I still have some stuff in storage that won't fit in my apartment. I have a huge old wooden desk. That thing is a beast its so big. I really miss that thing. We will be cleaning out that unit in the next month or so and I'm trying to talk my daughter into storing it in her garage. I really hate to part with it.

Laura Bradford said...

Pam, LOVE the notion of mixing your childhood and your adulthood. That's really neat. What a neat "setting" detail to work into a story sometime, too.

Mint, *crossing fingers* your daughter will store it. Maybe one day you'll be somewhere it will fit!

Leigh Duncan said...

Welcome to the east coast, Laura! Happy unpacking and settling in.

I'd be lost without my laptop and the oversized sweatshirt I wear when writing. I'm not sure I could survive long without either of them.

Laura Bradford said...

Thanks, Leigh!!

Mmmm. An oversized sweatshirt. Almost makes me wish winter was here.


I will, however, settle for a chilly fall day. But only a a few.

Nicole's Book Musings said...

Things that I would miss would be, the computer, books, pictures. But books would be at the top of the list.

Kara Lennox said...

Wow, for a minute I thought I'd written that blog! My husband and I just moved into a 1-bedroom apartment while we house hunt, and ALL of our stuff is in storage.

I hear you on the baking pans (and all my spices, my stick blender--I somehow don't have a skillet!) and not enough furniture because we didn't want to move stuff twice.


Laura Bradford said...

Nicolerko, somehow I manage to find my way into bookstores and buy new ones (to satisfy the craving, of course). :)

Kara, yes, you obviously understand this perfectly!!!!