Friday, March 20, 2009

New Cover

After spilling my soul all over the web the past few days (go to the archive to see my March 12 interview), I decided to keep this post short and simply debut my July cover.

As authors, we get input into the cover, but like giving birth, you never know what "your baby" is going to look like until it comes out. Here's the cover for Bachelor CEO. My first impression was Daniel Craig and James Bond.

Here's the backcover copy:

Business And Pleasure
Never Mix…

Chase McDaniel had it all planned out. He’d work his way up in the family
business and eventually become CEO. Except the heir to McDaniel Manufacturing
just got a rude awakening. His soon-to-retire grandfather is ordering him to take a year off
and find out what he really wants. Chase knows what he doesn’t want—gorgeous, talented Miranda Craig taking his job!
Or Do They?
Being handpicked to run a company is the dream of a lifetime. And Miranda has no intention of stepping aside…even if Chase is the sexiest man she’s ever met. But their strictly business
arrangement may be in danger of turning into something more. Especially if a certain matchmaking relative has his way…


penney said...

I like the cover and the book sounds great!

Estella said...

The cover fairy was very good to you!

Linda Warren said...

Love the cover.

Michele Dunaway said...

Thanks Linda, Estella, and penney!