Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Now that spring is here, I’m starting to plan my patio garden. Years ago I gave up on having a big garden plot because all the watering and weeding was too labor intensive. Containers generally stay weed free and require only a quick watering every day or every other day. That’s my kind of garden! So I’ve started to pour over seed catalogues, trying to decide what to plant this year.

I definitely want a few tomato plants. Even though the yield isn’t terribly high, I love being able to pick a vine-ripened tomato and have it in a salad just a few minutes later.

I’ll plant a few herbs—basil for making pesto, rosemary for seasoning biscuits and dumplings, and mint because it makes such a wonderful garnish. Green pea and mint soup is a summer favorite because it can be served cold—so refreshing, and such a great color!

This year, for the first time, I’ve also decided to plant some edible flowers. So far I’ve settled on lavender, nasturtiums and pansies. Lavender shortbread made with a little lemon zest is an all-time favorite at my house, and the other flowers will be fun to toss into salads.

I’m also thinking about plants that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds to my patio. Any suggestions?

Happy gardening!



Anonymous said...

I got hungry just reading about your garden plans. Now I have a hankering for rosemary biscuits!

Red-flowering currant is very pretty and would probably do all right in a big tub – and you could grow thyme around the base for pretty flowers in the spring and a wonderful scent in the sun during the summer. I think the currant would be a draw for both butterflies and birds.

Mexicans use squash blossoms in cooking too – and by picking the big bright flowers, you don't get the bumper crops of zucchini that people are always trying to get rid of!


Anonymous said...

I've always hear salvia, geraniumns, and lantana for hummingbirds and butterflies. Of course, there's butterfly bush. :)