Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Animated Shorts

With the Academy Awards just around the corner, my husband and I recently watched the 2007 nominated animated shorts at a local theater. We did this last year, for the 2006 shorts, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Animators do amazing things, and you wouldn’t believe how many people it takes to make a 15-minute film! Interestingly, my favorite short last year, The Danish Poet, won. This was a heart-warming animated short of how the narrator’s parents met. I wish everyone could see these films, but unfortunately animated shorts aren’t easy to find. Here in Seattle, they’re only shown, billed as the 2007 best animated shorts, for about five days. Then poof! They’re gone. (However, I did find it on UTube. Type in UTube The Danish Poet and it comes right up. When that clip, the first half of the film ends, click on 2/2 below the screen to see the rest. If you see it, let me know what you think.)

This year’s selections were just as fun. Lots of incredible animation. Claymation folks now make their figures with realistic human faces, especially the eyes. I love that. However story-wise, some of these shorts are severely lacking.

As a writer, I am hyper aware of what makes a good story. The main characters each need a story goal. Each character must deal with conflict of some kind and either surpass great odds or fail. By the end of a good story the main characters should be in some way transformed.

All the glitz and animation tricks in the world can’t make up for a poorly-written story. A writing course or two, and a few good books on craft, would do these folks—and we, the viewers—a world of good.

Until later,
The Pilot's Wife, March 2008, a Romantic Times top pick!


Sarita Leone said...

I always get a kick out of watching the animated claymation shorts. They remind me of Gumby from when I was a child. :)

Anonymous said...

These are so sophisticated. The eyes look so human!