Saturday, December 22, 2007

Moments To Remember

My daughter cut off most of her hair last Wednesday. She did it for a variety of reasons, but the main one was she cut that hair was she wanted to donate it to Locks of Love. For those of you who haven’t heard of this organization, this nonprofit accepts donated hair and makes wigs for cancer patients, the majority of them children. Yep, it’s a worthy organization, and I was proud of her willingness to make such a sacrifice.
But what was funny was that we didn’t know what a sacrifice it was until the hairdresser SNIPPED off her pony tail and presented Lesley with ten inches of beautiful brown hair that would never again be on her head. Well, Lesley took one look at that pony tail and let out a wail worthy of the most dramatic fourteen year old. “My hair!” Then, of course, she promptly started crying. Next thing I knew, I was crying, too.
Yep, it was a pretty big day.
It’s amazing how some things affect you way more than you ever thought they would. My husband and kids have the unique ability to either make my days or ruin them with one remark, smile, or smirk. A perfect fall day always lifts my mood. So does the first snow.
Other events are just as momentous as you’ve always dreamed them to be, such as a selling a book. When I sold my first Harlequin, I barely made it through the phone call with my agent, then as soon as I hung up, I sat on the stairs and cried. My husband was sure someone had died and ran up the stairs to comfort me. Nope, it wasn’t a crisis…just a dream turning into a reality.
Now, as we rush toward Christmas, where there’s always too much to do and not enough hours in the day, I’m going to do my best to take some time to appreciate all the moments that mean so much- like spending time with family and friends. Eating a really good piece of pie. Candlelit church services. Early morning squeals of joy. Quiet cups of coffee with only a brand new book for company. What are some of your favorite moments?
PS…I won’t be around much to answer today. Wrestling Meet…and concession duty!


Sarita Leone said...

Finding out that I'd sold my first book, that was one of those moments, certainly. But I'm usually touched most by the more intimate ones, like your daughter's hair. Recently my husband sponsored a teenager in an important event and I could barely keep myself under control. It was a happy moment, and I was filled with emotion. :)

Estella said...

I know what you mean about good and bad days---my family is good at causing either or both.
Happy Holidays, Shelley!

Nathalie said...

It is so true that we don't ahev much time to stop and enjoy the great moments that we live during the holidays!

Nathalie said...

My greatest moment... getting accepted in med school!

Anonymous said...

Sarita Leone,

Hooray for you! I can completely understand the feelings behind that first book sale.


Anonymous said...


Thank goodness for our families! Life would be pretty boring without them. We had a pretty big range of emotions this weekend...our son won two matches and made it into the finals...then got crushed!

happy holidays!

Anonymous said...


Wow! I just heard from someone the other day who told me just how hard it was to get into medical school! Congratuations! So, are you just starting med school, or are you already a doctor?

happy holidays to you!


Jennifer Faye said...

Shelley, my dd just donated her hair too. She enjoyed the chance to help someone else and then she found out that the cut was free. That was really nice. Good for your daughter for being so generous.

Some of my favorite moments are the days when the family is all home together and we can sit down to dinner. Those are rare these days and oh so special.

Nathalie said...

I am in my 4th year, and I still have one to go... Thanks!

Merry Christmas :)

Anonymous said...


yep, my daughter had a huge smile when we popped her hair in the envelope and sent it on its way. Good for your daughter, too!
I love those dinners at home. Tonight, my fingers are crossed that we're all going to eat together...we'll see!


Anonymous said...


wow~almost done!
I hope you won't be working and studying all of Christmas! Thanks for taking the time to visit out blog.


Anonymous said...

I usually leave my thick hair grow long for a couple years then get about a foot of it cut off. I tried looking for somewhere to donate it but couldn't find anyone here in Saskatchewan. Thanks for the head's up on Locks on Love. I'm going to check into it for my next 'cut'. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Anita Mae,

You're so lucky to have such great hair! I'm lucky if mine will grow to my shoulders!
Merry Christmas to you, too!
