Monday, February 05, 2007

Accidents Happen

They say that when you cut your finger, your life is about to change. Well...

Last week we had guests over for dinner. I love to cook and was making a Greek dinner and a delicious hors d’oeuvre, a roasted eggplant spread (which is posted as my recipe of the month at I bought freshly baked bread for the spread. It needed slicing, so I set to work with a sharp bread knife. Everything was fine until the last slice. It was too thick. So I sliced in half—and sliced my finger, too. Nasty cut with lots of bleeding. My husband helped me bandage it and we went on with the dinner party. The next morning I changed the bandaid. Or rather my husband did for me—I’m way too squeamish. The cut looked terrible. “Baby, you’re gonna lose it,” my husband said. He’s never called me “baby” before and he meant my finger tip, so I knew this was serious. He took me straight to the emergency room. It was too late for stitches—you have to get in there pretty fast for those—so they gave me a butterfly bandage and a tetanus shot, since I couldn’t remember when I’d last had one. Now I have a huge gauze bandage on my finger. Good for garnering loads of attention, terrible for typing!

Lessons learned: practice safety when using a knife—make sure there are no fingers in the way. Bad cuts require immediate attention—careful cleaning and possibly stitches.

About those changes... so far, the only change is in my typing, which is better than it was ( have graduated to smaller bandages), but still slow and full of mistakes. Maybe the message is, slow down and take care. I’ll try, really I will.


Anonymous said...

OUCH!! Just thinking about it gives me the willies. I hate knifes. Reminds me of the time when I was a kid that I was trying to make holes in the top of a jar for fireflies, missed the lid and got the spot of skin between my thumb and index finger instead. ICK. Anyway - hope that your finger heals up just as good as new and types even faster after. ;-) AND Be careful!

Anonymous said...

Your story made me cringe! Thanks, and I WILl be careful from now on.