Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's almost 2007

I imagine everyone is worn out today. I hope you’re feeling the good kind of tired—happy that you and your loved ones created wonderful memories. Relieved that at last! you can take a breath, let down, and relax.

Don’t relax too much, though. It’s time to make those New Year’s resolutions. Or not. Truth is, I don’t make those anymore, mainly because I always break them. Sadly, often within a few days. What works better for me is to make my resolutions year-round.

Here are a few of mine, made awhile back, and in no particular order:

To continue to improve my writing skills so that I write better and better stories for my wonderful readers.

To take good care of my body and my brain so that I can stick around a long time. This means exercising daily and mostly eating sensibly, reading both fiction and non-fiction, and engaging in sometimes-deep conversations.

To welcome each day with joy and a sense of adventure. Life is short and unpredictable, and I don’t want to miss a single moment.

To embrace old friends and make new ones. As that old song goes, one is silver and the other gold.

Some of these are harder to keep than others, but so far, so good!

I wish everyone resolutions they can keep.


Cindy Taylor said...

I'm like you, Ann. I don't like to make resolutions just so I can break them, because that's what usually happens. But I will admit I'm coming up with some goods ideas to keep me more organized this year. I just won't call them resolutions. *g*

Anonymous said...

Well for goodness' sake, Cinday. Share!! How do you plan to be more organized? I could use a tip or three.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I meant, Cindy. LOL

Cindy Taylor said...

Well, for starters, hubby and I are considering adding an office to our house. That would certainly help me departmentalize. But on the more practical end, I've starting to consolidate everything from software boxes to sticky notes. And I'm going to invest in a desk calendar this year to reduce the amount of loose paper flying around and near-missed appointments.

That's a start. I'll keep you posted if I get past those. *g*

Anonymous said...

Good suggestions, Cindy. I think what I need is a secretary. Ha!