Sunday, December 24, 2006

Harlequin American Romance Authors

Harlequin American Romance Authors

Countdown to Christmas
I'm going to try blogging again. Earlier the system didn't seem to like my password attempt. I doubt anyone is going to be out here reading blogs today with last minute shopping, wrapping, cooking. Some of us still have to put in computer time on projects. I'm currently working on an eharlequin daily serial. It won't be out until March, but I have an end of January deadline. I can't complain. I love writing. I also love reading. I hope everyone receives a lot of books in their Christmas stocking---or under the tree.
How many people open gifts on Christmas Eve, and how many on Christmas Day? It's been split in our family for as long as I can remember. My husband has one sister's family who does gifts on Christmas Eve and the other on Christmas morning. When all of us used to get together with our families, we alternated years. Myself, I like the Eve with all of the tree lights and all. Both of my girls chose to celebrate in the A.M. because they say Santa arrives during the midnight hours.
Either way works for me, really. So happy holidays to all.
Roz Denny Fox


Christa said...

My Christmas is pretty much over now. The whole family was at my parent's house for dinner. Then we took the smaller kids to church. When we came back Santa had been there and the gifts were opened. We decided a while ago that we would only buy for the kids. So tomorrow will be pretty much just a relaxing day.
Happy Holidays all.

Marianne Arkins said...

We do both. My DH was raised Catholic, and they would attend midnight mass, come home and open everything under the tree, and then get up in the morning to whatever Santa brought.

My family tradition was to open one present on Christmas Eve (as a child, it was always new pajamas) and then the rest in the morning.

So, we mix it up now. We open a few gifts the night before, and the rest in the morning!