Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Austin: Second Chance Cowboy

Austin: Second Chance Cowboy
October 2012
When I started work on the Harts of the Rodeo continuity series, I knew I was in for a treat. What a joy it was to work with so many fine authors! And, since writing is very much a solitary activity, it was great fun for me to get a chance to see how Cathy, Roz, CJ, Marin, and Linda plotted, researched, and approached their novels. For a few months, I was part of their club, and avid student of theirs, too.
I soon learned that I was not nearly as organized or as much of a plotter as I had previously thought! When other authors would ask me specifics about Austin’s western wear shop or Dinah’s apartment, I realized that I needed to become more detail oriented. Fast.

As I said, I learned a lot from them.

When I began Second Chance Cowboy, I was sure I’d feel closest to Dinah, but in many ways I connected with Austin the most.  I’ve always enjoyed writing about imperfect people, and Austin certainly had some imperfections. However, he also had some wonderful qualities. I liked how he looked after Dinah and bought coloring books for his nieces. I loved how he was just a little bit flirty, and just a little bit better than most folks realized.  In the end, I thought he was a perfect counterpart to Dinah Hart, Roundup’s sheriff.
One of my favorite characters of my book was Austin’s father, Buddy. He didn’t have a big part in the novel, but he did have a huge role in Austin’s character and motivations.  Thinking about Buddy, making him appealing yet real was a wonderful challenge for me. When I finished the book, I felt like I had done his character justice, and I was thankful for that.

 So, I hope y’all will enjoy Second Chance Cowboy.  It was a privilege to be a part of such a super series. And I have to say, I, for one, am already looking forward to Marin Thomas’s and Linda Warren’s books.



CJ Carmichael said...

Shelley, I loved working on the Hart series with you!

Just saw your book at our local Indigo store. It looked great!

Congrats and hugs!

Linda Warren said...

Hey Shelley,
It was fun working with you too. All the plotting, all the research and long talks, the books are finished and waiting for readers to enjoy. So look for The Harts of the Rodeo. You won't be disappointed.

We're going to miss you at American, Shelley.