Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What my GPS has taught me

Recently, my husband bought me a GPS. As a directionally challenged person, I appreciate this amazing tool. My GPS is female and talks in such a sweet voice. Very polite and genteel... Unless I fail to follow her directions.

“Recalculating,” she states in a slightly less pleasant tone. If I still ignore her, she becomes terse. By the third or fourth time she sounds both angry and... slightly drunk. It’s funny to me, but not to her. ☺ I have angered her several times..

The secret is to learn to trust her. It’s taken months, but I finally listen to her. She’s taken me to places using routes I’d never have thought of, avoiding traffic and getting me there much faster than normal. I’ve grown to like her very much.

But if I know where I’m going and want to do things my way, I turn her off. That makes us both very happy. ☺

What does all this talk about a GPS have to do with writing? you may ask. There are writers out there who know more than I do, or who know a different route to reaching a goal. Listening to them could get me there faster or help me become a better writer—something every writer wants.

On the other hand, trusting your gut instinct, that voice within that says, “Yes, that’s a good suggestion, something I’ll use,” or “No, I’m not going to do that” is equally important. Learning how to combine the two—that’s the trick.

Until later,
The Pilot's Woman, March 2008, a Romantic Times top pick!


Marin Thomas said...


I'm directionally challenged, too.
I couldn't find my lily white bum in an outhouse if I tried!

I received a GPS system for Christmas. I like the thingamajig except for one thing--the sweet lady doesn't always give me enough advance warning to change lanes and I miss the turns. But I'm learning...


Estella said...

I have a GPS system on my wish list for my anniversary, birthday and Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I got mine for Christmas, too! Several friends also did. I'm thinking, our husbands knew how badly we need help. :-)

Here's hoping you'll get yours soon, Estella.