Wednesday, January 23, 2008

One Chore I Don't Mind

The other day I was standing at the stove fixing breakfast for my twin son and daughter (they're seniors in highschool and will graduate in May). My husband came into the kitchen, stopped in his tracks, and said, "What are you doing?" Though I thought it was obvious, I patiently explained (grin). He couldn't believe it and started to lecture me on how the kids were old enough to fix their own breakfasts and hadn't they been doing exactly that since starting school in the fall.

Okay, he was right. I won't argue the point. But I'd been struck with a sudden and overwhelming case of my-children-are-almost-grown-and-will-be-out-of-the-house-soon. I can remember when they were in first grade and I'd fixed French toast sticks or scrambled eggs with cheese, then hurry them to finish eating before they ran outside to catch the bus. For just a little while, I wanted to be that mommy again. Not the one with a son who's a full nine inches taller than her or an absolutely stunning daughter who looks twenty-five when she's all dressed up.

I know my children are old enough to take care of themselves. Heck, I hardly see them anymore except in the mornings before they head to school. To my husband, fixing them breakfast is an extra chore to add to my already long list for the day. But to me, it's a chance to sustain the magic for just a little longer because soon enough, they'll be going off to college.

I guess when that day comes I could fix my husband breakfast but he just doesn't have the same happy reaction when I serve him French toast sticks.

Cathy McDavid

PS - how funny that Shelley's post is about breakfast, too. Must be on our minds.


Megan Kelly said...

Cathy, I'm right there with ya. Looking at these almost-grownups and missing their smaller selves, knowing I won't have this version much longer. Must be a sentimental season.

Estella said...

Enjoy them while you can. They grow up so fast and leave.

Anonymous said...

Where does the time go. My oldest has graduated college and gotten engaged and moved 5 hrs. away. My youngest is leaving for college after a couple of years at our community college. And like you said, they're hardly here when they are here. It's hard to let go. I say make all the breakfasts you want :)