Monday, November 12, 2007

Deja Vu--Or did I really do that already?

First, happy Veteran's Day. Yes, technically it was yesterday, but today was the day off/holiday. Most schools in my area were in session today and hosting ceremonies and remembrances.

I'm posting this a bit late because I swore I'd written a blog and emailed it to myself to post from work. I got to work and looked in my inbox. No blog. I went home, checked my outbox. No blog. Maybe I didn't write it.

I'm currently mailing out books. I swore I sent one out to Nick Kenig, but the more I think about it, maybe not. I'm sending another just in case. I think I'd written the card so many times in my mind that I thought I'd done it--but in reality, I hadn't. I did delete the email with his address, but perhaps that was a mistake too.

Do you get like that sometimes? That you swore you've done something, only to realize you really haven't?

For example, I swore I put the name Kathleen Kennedy in my book Nine Months' Notice (on final edits). I've looked all through, but can't find it. I'm going to have a friend look. It would simply be a one line reference. If you find it, let me know what page.

Perhaps my mind is slipping. Maybe it's simply overload, but I'm learning that, too, is normal. I guess I've been so wrapped up in reading reviews, sending out books, working on manuscripts that I can't remember what I've done and what I haven't. The brain really does toss out a lot of information if you don't store it properly. Right now I'm dumping everything that's not essential to breathing.

I just returned from a jounalism teacher convention in Philadelphia, so that's taken a bit out of my routine. While I was gone, some switch on my refrigerator fried, so I lost everything in the appliance. I used yesterday to clean the entire inside so it's like new. The repair is done--$121 dollars later.

Cheaper than a new fridge. I'm also sensing the "what if" premise for another book. I'm being a glass full person here. Maybe stress causes the mind to forget.

So speaking of, my website finally got updated and so did my blog. I don't think I've said that lately, so feel free to check them out at and

Nothing fancy, but there are some new pics and such.



Jennifer Faye said...

Michele, so sorry to hear about losing everything in the fridge. At least you were able to repair it instead of replacing it.

Yes, sometimes (a lot of times) I get on overload too and I'll think I did something but I'm not sure. I learned from working at the office where there are too many things to remember to make notes on my day planner. It's like a mini-vacation for my mind. I write down what I've done and what I need to do and I don't have to remember those things.

Estella said...

There have been a number of times I thought I had done something and I had'nt. I think the more you think about something the more you believe you have already accomplished the chore.
Sorry about your fridge!

Nathalie said...

Updated websites are always great :)

It is quite normal to forget with that workload :)

Unknown said...

I just started keeping an excel spreadsheet with a column for everyone in the family of what needs to be done or calls that need to be made once that is done I color code it, its all in one place so it makes it easier for me

Lily said...

Even pics is an upgrade... I am going to go check it now!

Danny said...

I sometimes find myself in situations where I feel a certain familiarity with an action or person... Even if it's something I've not done before or someone I haven't met. A friend of mine once told me that they read somewhere that the feeling of deja vu means you're living your life how you're supposed to. I wonder if that's true... :)