Sunday, May 08, 2011


When I think of my mom, I think of her love of family, her cooking and her flowers. She passed away eleven years ago and it’s especially nice to remember her on this day. When my brothers and I were grown with families of our own, we always wanted to take her out to eat on her birthday and Mother’s Day. She did not see this as a good thing. “What’s wrong with my cooking?” she would ask. Somehow she took it as an insult so we gave in and let her cook.

I would go out early to help because it was supposed to be her day. She had a large vegetable garden and all the fresh veggies and new potatoes were to die for. That was her joy – cooking for her family. We never again asked to take her out. We showed up with presents and enjoyed the day with her. Now me, you take me out to eat and I’m a happy camper.

My mother also loved flowers and her yard at this time of the year was always blooming with color, especially roses. Easter lilies were another favorite of hers. They were red and white and covered a whole flowerbed, just gorgeous.

This winter was brutal here in Texas. I brought the plants in from the patio that I wanted to keep. A couple was looking bad so I left them. Of course they froze. Something green came up in one of the flower pots. I thought it was a weed. For some reason I didn’t pull it out and it kept growing and then a bud appeared on it. I was intrigued. On Friday it opened up. It’s a white Easter Lily. I have no idea how it got in that pot on my patio. I had a weird feeling, as if my mother had sent it. It’s a strange coincidence, but it makes my Mother’s Day.

How are you spending your Mother’s Day? I’m going out to dinner.

Have a wonderful day.

Aug ’11 – The Texan’s Secret

8 comments: said...

i love my mom =)

Linda Warren said...


It's a day to show her how much. I hope you're having a wonderful day.


Estella said...

I love Easter lilies.

My daughter is cooking dinner at her house.

Linda Warren said...


Oh, Estella, have a great time. It's always nice when soneone else does the cooking. My mother was just different and I loved her dearly.

Have a Happy Mother's Day.


linda s said...

Love your Easter lily. Mom's are so special.
dmil, dd and I were catered lunch by ds,dh and dsil. Entertainment was provided by grandbaby. Lots of flowers and love.

Linda Warren said...


You had a wonderful day. I loved your entertainment. That kind is so special.


Barbara White Daille said...

Linda - your mom sounds wonderful, and your Easter lily story gave me happy chills. Thanks for sharing.


Linda Warren said...


It did me too. I just don't know how it got in that flower pot. The bloom has now faded, but it sure gave me a boost.
