Sunday, August 16, 2009

Romance Heroines

The recent news story about people stranded inside an airplane for hours got me thinking…how in the world would I cope in a situation like that? I'd like to believe I'd act the part of a romance-book heroine--keep my composure, calm crying babies, whip out my secret stash of tools and fix the broken toilet. Or maybe sneak people off the plane when the flight attendants weren't looking--you know, save the day for all those helpless passengers. I wish I was capable of extra-ordinary actions when under duress, but the sad truth is I am not a romance heroine and could not have done any of those things--except maybe calm a crying baby.

If truth be told I'm just your average Joe…or Josephine. I obey rules. Don't break laws. Scoop the poop when I take the dogs on their morning walk. Say Please and Thank You. Hold the door open for old ladies and moms with strollers. I cave in to others to keep the peace. And I don't speak up when someone cuts in front of me in line. That's why I live vicariously through the heroines I write in my romance books.

Romance heroines are gutsy. They take chances and break laws--for the right reasons. They aren’t afraid of what other people think or say about them. They’re willing to sacrifice their own happiness for others. They're passionate about causes dear to their hearts and they always put others' wants and needs before their own. And they WILL speak up if someone butts in front of them in line. A romance heroine is the kind of woman I aspire to be on a daily basis.

What qualities in a romance heroine do you admire most? Or is there a romance heroine from a book you've recently read that stands out in your mind?

Samantha's Cowboy August 2009
A Cowboy Christmas December 2009


Pamela Stone said...

Hi Marin,

Now that made me think. Maybe my heroines are too much like me. I'm also a rule follower. I could calm the crying baby and might even take a shot at the broken toilet if the situation was dire enough. I don't really enjoy kick-ass heroines, but I do like a heroine who sticks up for herself. Who if in a bad situation takes action to make her life better. A heroine who saves herself instead of looking to the hero or someone else to save her. Hmm, now I have to think about this as I'm plotting my work in progress. Thanks!

Marin Thomas said...

Hi Pam

Most of the time I have an idea of who I want my heroine to be but often as I'm writing the story, the heroine changes and shows traits or characteristics I hadn't thought to give her. I love this part of writing--when my characters surprise me!


Pamela Stone said...

It is cool when characters surprise me. They certainly take on personalities of their own.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd make a good heroine either. However I do speak up when people crowd in front of me. Well, unless they are pregnant, older, disabled or have a bunch of kids with them. Well so much for speaking out. And if I was stuck on a plane they would have to sedate me because I don't fly well. Fear of heights. Don't like enclosed spaces either. Well, that settles it, to much of a wimp to be a hero.

Megan Kelly said...

Marin, most of the fun of writing is getting to say/do those things we WISH we had said/done. Tell the eye-candy who cuts in front of me in line that he's *out* of line? I might glare, but my heroine will scold him--then fall in love. lol