Saturday, June 20, 2009

Facebook part 2

I said I'd given an update on my experience with Facebook, once I was on it for a while. I've discovered that unlike Twitter, which I remember to do about once a day, if that, I really enjoy Facebook. I'm on it two ways. One is my personal page, and the other is a page where anyone can be my fan, which is at this URL:

On my fan page I've got pictures of my book covers from other countries and a bunch of pictures not on my website. I talk about my books. On my personal page, I don't have that many pics and mostly I keep up with people and post stuff that might be relevant or interesting.

I'm having tons of fun with Facebook. Remember my statement that being friends with your exes is a bit strange? Well, I'm friends with my high school boyfriend and my first college boyfriend, and it's been cool to catch up with what's going on in their lives. Mark still does music and Jeff still does boy scouts. Both are married with kids. I've found most of my college pals from the fraternities and sororities at UM--St. Louis.

Mostly, it's been a great way for me to keep track of my former students, a bunch of romance writer friends from all over the country and my journalism buddies. I'm able to keep up to date with all my best friends from high school--people I've known now for 30 years. Many had their kids graduate this year. I have a four to go. We all wonder where time has gone.

I'm up over 110 friends and if I added everyone I knew, I'd probably go insane, even though I have my news feeds set up on lists. But I like to read everything. While I don't play mafia wars, do pillow fights, or take half those quizzes, it is rather fun to read everyone else's results and discover what Simpson character they are most like. I'm enjoying viewing pics of my former student Ryan and his wife's trip to Alaska. I keep track of Peter, who is serving in Iraq. One of my former work buddies is in Vermont for a vacation. I've never been to Vermont, but I'm getting to see pictures.

The only downside is that Facebook is such a time suck. Being home for the summer, I check it several times a day for someone is always posting something and often chats pop up from people I haven't talked to in years, and we gab for a few minutes. I'm discovering I'll have to write on my alphasmart or something.

But what's been really fun is that I just wrote my first Facebook chat into Under Doctor's Orders, my newly contracted Harlequin American Romance that will be out in 2010. Chandy chats via Facebook with her brother Chase (hero in Bachelor CEO, coming in July) and then when he types something she doesn't like, she says she has to go and disconnects. I loved it. Texting and Facebook will play a role in this story, for that's the reality of how people communicate these days.

For example, I haven't talked to my best friend Susan, who only lives here in town, since she got back late last night (Friday) from her week-long adventure being with her son at cub scout camp. But from Facebook I know she survived the bugs, the extreme heat, the torrential downpours, life in a tent and is now at home--which is happily quiet since her husband gave her a break and took her boys to his mother's for the weekend first thing this morning. I'll call her later in the week--maybe Monday or so--and let her enjoy the silence and a nap in her own bed.

Happy rest of June everyone! I'm off to a graduation party for a former student, who sent the invites and the directions via Facebook.

Michele Dunaway
Bachelor CEO--Men Made in America
Harlequin American Romance July 2009


Linda Warren said...

You're reallly into Facebook. I'm just getting started and find it a big time suck. I'd like it a lot more if I had more time, but Kathleen insists I write these books I'm contracted for. LOL


Michele Dunaway said...


It's definitely something I have to budget time for. I'm finding it easier as I'm off for the summer. But I definitely can see why teens love it!


Michele Dunaway said...

PS--the graduation party was awesome, but funny. While I sat outside with the adults and gabbed, the kids were all downstairs. They have a lot of computers (4) so everyone was on one, and on their facebook, basically posting and making comments. It was hysterical. Like passing notes--only online.

Anonymous said...

Hy thanks for sharing those funny , I likes it....

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