Sunday, September 21, 2008


Last week, the strangest thing happened. All of us in the Cincinnati area got plummeled by Hurricane Ike winds. At two o’clock on Sunday, while I was merrily checking out at Wal*Mart, a burst of wind hit the super center, everything flickered, then went dark. I got sent home without all the stuff I just spent an hour choosing. (don’t you hate stuff like that?)

When I got home, the power was out, too. None of us was too upset-after all, it was a beautiful day, just really windy! But then reality hit. Everyone’s power was out. Power lines were down. Trees and tree limbs were blocking roads. Our whole area was dark.

We were without power for four days.

Now, everyone was very aware of just how tough everyone in Texas is having things-so no one really wanted to complain. At first it was kind of fun. We had no school-which meant we didn’t have to get up at six am.

The kids and I played hours of Yahtzee and Hearts. I learned to almost like spaghetti-o’s. And, it was a real blessing to have all the windows open and not worry about it being too hot. I read three books-one by flashlight.

But by Wednesday, I’m afraid all my “Mary Sunshine” demeanor had faded to a dark, simmering irritation. I wanted to watch The Closer, I wanted my email back, and I was getting tired of boiling water on my grill. Throwing out every single thing in our refrigerator and freezer didn’t help my disposition either.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Starbucks opened for business. My husband also returned home. (somehow he always manages to miss storms, power outages, and emergency vet visits) After spending an hour drinking lattes and reading email, we met the kids back at home-

-Just in time to witness the power miraculously turn back on. Hooray! Before I knew it, things went back to normal. Everyone went to separate rooms. On went computers and televisions and stereos. Four days’ worth of clothes needed to be washed. Dishes needed to be cleaned, and an empty refrigerator needed to be filled.
Suddenly, those lazy days of being power-less were starting to not be so bad, after all. : )

Does anyone have a story to share about being without power?


EllenToo said...

Since I lived through several major hurricanes (altho not all were as bad as Ike)I know all about being powerless for several weeks at a time. Glad you now have power back.

Estella said...

I live in an area where we seldom lose power.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ellen! Weeks?? Yikes. Again, I need to count my blessings!

Did Ike affect your area?


Anonymous said...

Hi Shelley - I was lucky. My power didn't go out. But two blocks over in my neighborhood people had their power off for 5 days. Two blocks over!! One friend lives on a dead end street and a pole is blocking the road and there's a transformer on it. It still hasn't been repaired. Why? Because it's a dead end street. She had a 1yo and a 2mo old and she had to go stay with her mom who lives about an hour and half north of Dayton. I have definitely counted my blessings too many times to count since I only had debris from trees to clean up.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - my friend has a 1yo and a baby - not had. Bad grammar!

EllenToo said...

Shelley- no Ike did not affect us even though we were originally the target.

Christa said...

Most of the time when the power goes off here it's only for a couple of hours. But in August of 2003 the power was off for over 24 hours. The blackout started on the Thursday and my sister was getting married on the Saturday in Toronto. The reheasal/get to know party the day before wasn't bad. She had tiki torches, fruit/veg/coldcut trays and candles. She was worrying about the next day so I told her as long as you have the groom, the minister and a bar-bar-que you're all set, LOL. Luckily the power came back on about 4 hours before her wedding and it was a beautiful day and the hairdresser made a house call with a butane curling iron.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Marcie!!

I'm so glad you're okay. Yikes on your girlfriend! Just thinking about having two little guys makes me tired! I can't imagine keeping up with them in the dark! Thank goodness she has family nearby.


Anonymous said...

Estella, what part of the country do you live in?


Anonymous said...


Doesn't that rehearsal dinner sound fun and romantic? Your advice to the bride was perfect-but boy, I bet she was so glad to have power for her wedding. I guess even the best laid plans can go awry!


Christa said...

yup she said she planned for rain by having it indoors, she planned for it being super hot by making sure to place was air conditioned, but no matter how much planning something might still go wrong.