Friday, January 11, 2008

Say No to Resolutions

By now, lots of you out there have already given up your New Year's Resolutions. Admit it! You swore you'd cut back on soft drinks, and you did ... for a couple of days. You were going to work out three times a week ... stop eating Cheetos cold turkey ... be nice to your mother-in-law if it killed you. And where did all those good intentions get you? Disappointed in yourself, probably.

Yeah, I've been that route. But this year, I haven't reneged on a single resolution! Eleven days and I'm exactly on track. No, I don't have extraordinary will power or a personal coach to keep me on the straight-and-narrow. My secret? I didn't make resolutions this year. My apathy was in keeping with my entire boycott of the holidays, and it's the best decision I ever made. This was the most relaxed, stress-free December of my life, and January is shaping up to be much the same. (At least I didn't start it with five extra pounds, which is how my New Year usually begins.).

I only have one goal for this month, and that is to finish my latest Harlequin American. It's the second in a trilogy (SECOND SONS ) that starts in June with RELUCTANT PARTNERS. This one doesn't have a title yet, but my hero is, well, a nerd! I'm having a great time with it. It's scheduled for December 2008.

Now, if anyone has any ideas for how I can give up Cheetos, I'm all ears.


EllenToo said...

I have no idea how you can give up Cheetos (except don't buy them and that won't happen if you are like me). But I am with you on the don't make any resolutions - I never do.

Christa said...

I'm so proud of myself. I didn't break a single resolution but then I didn't make any. As for giving up Cheetos I am really clueless. The only thing that might work is not buying them in the first place. But than you have the added temptation to go out and buy them.
Did anyone check out the new digs at eharlequin. I think since everything is new there are still bugs to squash and like all new thing it's a learning experience one I am having fun with.

Estella said...

I don't make resolutions either. I don't have an answer for you about giving up cheetos. If you find an answer, let me know and maybe I can use it to give up jelly beans.

Anonymous said...

I stopped making resolutions too but last year I made some changes because of a health scare and I was able to keep up with them. Nothing like getting scared to keep you on your toes.

Kara Lennox said...

Well--I'm glad I'm not alone in the lack of resolutions. Usually I do make them, though.

Christa, I will have to check out e-harlequin. I haven't been posting there much lately--I'm just overloaded with online stuff!

I've cut down on Cheetos a lot--I only buy a small bag every now and then. I also discovered those 100-calorie snack bags, which aren't TOO sinful!