Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Endings and beginnings

Our sons are home from college for the holidays. Older son overslept (“I turned off the four alarms I’d set and just lay down for a minute”) and missed his flight, but Southwest shoehorned him onto another that arrived only two hours later. Younger son arrived and blissfully turned his laundry over to me, leaving his wallet and keys in the pockets. You’d be amazed how well that stuff survives the washer and dryer.

In some ways, these are turning-point holidays. Older son graduates in May and will be moving on, either to graduate school or a job. We’re kind of hoping for the whole income-plus-medical-insurance thing, but either way, he’ll never be an undergraduate again.

We also said a sorrowful goodbye to our cat. Blue was a stray we adopted seven years ago, an affection gray-and-white striped tabby who developed a sore on his nose that wouldn’t heal. It turned out to be cancer. We let him enjoy his last days in the California sunshine, lasting longer than the vet had predicted, but then the disease picked up speed.

I’ve never been a fan of putting pets to sleep. Our last cat died peacefully at home. But when it became clear that Blue was miserable, we took the final drive with him meowing woefully in his carrier.

Goodbye, little fellow. Hope they have lots of catnip mice in kitty heaven.

These holidays also marked a meeting with our first grand-nephew. Hello to Frankie, a sturdy four-month-old who basks in the adoration of his parents and grandparents. His arrival marks the start of a new generation in my husband’s family.

And so, on this New Year’s Day, I wish you all many happy beginnings and a year full of love.


Lily said...

Happy New Year!

Danny said...

Sorry about your cat :/

Happy New Year, all~!

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your kitty. I now have a 17 yr. old that's not doing too well. I've already had to put two well loved dogs to "sleep." I was so hoping they would pass peacefully but it didn't work out that way.

Estella said...

Sorry about your cat. I lost three to cancer in 2007.
Still have 5 cats, the oldest being 18.
Happy New Year!

Jacqueline Diamond said...

Thanks to everyone who posted messages, and happy new year!