Wednesday, September 19, 2007

TWO Days Late...

Shhh! I'm slipping this post in while no one's looking!

(Look, Roxann, I'm DOUBLY late! LOL)

Wish I had a good excuse, but the truth is, I slept through my blog day. Or most of it, anyway. I work for a school, and the entire district seems to have gotten hit by an early bug. Mine's been beating me up for almost a month now, and let me tell you, it's got me worn out.

After a very restless weekend, I overslept on Monday morning, ran like a crazy woman to get ready for the day job (but arrived on time--whew!), then came home afterward and simply crashed. Yikes.

It was my anniversary, too!

My husband and I went out for a long, relaxing, romantic dinner, complete with roses and a box of chocolates and a sinfully delicious dessert.

Unfortunately, that happened in my dreams...because I fell asleep!

So I missed posting my blog for the day. But I'm here now.

Just don't tell anybody I'm late, okay?

All my best to you,



Barbara White Daille


Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better soon

Estella said...

Hope your well soon!

catslady said...

Happy belated anniversary!

Christa said...

I was feeling sort of crappy at the beginning of the week too. Scratchy throat, the feeling of an elephant sitting on chest, runny nose, achy, no appetite(that chicken soup and tea really fills you up)

Hope you are feeling better.
Happy belated Anniversary.

Danny said...

Hope you feel better soon :)

Barbara White Daille said...

Hi, Bethre and Estella, and thanks for the good wishes.

I'm feeling ju-u-u-u-st a bit better. Tomorrow (Saturday), I'm planning about twelve hours sleep. That ought to help, huh? ;-)


Barbara White Daille said...

catslady wrote:

<< Happy belated anniversary! >>

Thanks so much!

I think I gave my virus to my husband as a belated anniversary gift!

Needless to say, he's not too happy with me right now.... (gulp)


Barbara White Daille said...


I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well!

It sounds like we had (have?) the same thing--including the elephant.

I'm sick of the chicken soup and tea, too.

Care packages for Christa and Barbara, anyone? Jell-O and ginger ale??? LOL

Feel better soon, Christa!


Barbara White Daille said...


Thanks for the smiley thought. Much appreciated!
