Last September, I joined a health club. It’s not super fancy, there’s no juice bars or saunas or fancy carpeting, or even aerobic classes. It’s more like an oversized weight room. One of the perks of membership was a free evaluation with a certified personal trainer. Me, being the person that I am (I never left a Mary Kay party without being SURE I needed lots of help) signed up for that evaluation all excited, just to find out the awful truth…my body was showing the effects of being a full time writer for three years.
Yep, as I’ve gotten busier, I’ve spent an increasing amount of time sitting in front of the computer. In fact, some days, my whole reason for leaving my desk was to sit in a car and drive my daughter around. Not good. I was out of shape and on a downward spiral.
In short order, I signed up to work out with a personal trainer three times a week.
That was the last time I had fun at the gym.
I was paired with Holly, who’s 21, beautiful and 6 feet tall. As I looked at us standing side by side in those terrible health club mirrors, it was never more obvious in my life that I was, oh, let’s just be completely honest-a whole lot older and shorter.
For the first visit, we started on ‘arms’. After tackling mini barbells, all kinds of weight machines, and moving my arms around like propellers, I couldn’t move my arms for five days. The next visit, ‘legs’ wasn’t any easier. Holly began to end some sessions saying things like, “Don’t forget the Motrin.”
I can’t believe I persevered. Usually, I’m not one to force myself to do anything painful or grueling. I don’t even like to sweat! But somehow, I decided that this getting in shape thing was not going to get the best of me. I began to challenge myself to not whine so much. And, now, six months later, I’m still going. I now meet Holly twice a week and attempt to go once on my own.
I am pleased to report that I can now do girl push ups and know where my triceps are. I have balanced on balls, done leg lifts, lifted all kinds of weights, and discovered that there are muscles in my back.
I feel a little peppier and have learned to walk away from my computer a little bit more.
In short, this workout routine has done as much for my mind as my body. Oh, I can’t say I look forward to every workout, but I have started to appreciate the feeling that comes afterward…my shoulders aren’t cramped. That knot of stress at the base of my neck is gone. My big writing problems don’t seem that tough. And I get that special feeling one gets when you interact with real people and move around.
I know lots of you do things to stay mentally and physically fit, and always have…garden, walk, bike ride. What are some things that y’all do to stay active? Or has anyone else, like me, suddenly started a new hobby?