Monday, May 07, 2012

Crochet Your Network

As y'all may have heard me mention, I'm teaching myself to crochet via internet videos.  So far, I've made a few baby blankets and a few dish clothes.  My sad attempt at a baby hat would have fit Barbie.  (Bet that had to do with that gauge thing the patterns keep harping about.  lol)  Here's a blanket that worked, made for my niece.

I've spent the past two weekends at romance writers' gatherings, first Chicago-North's Spring Fling Conference and this past Saturday at Memphis' River City Writers meeting.  Getting to know new people and making meaningful connections interests me more than selling books -- but Thank You to everyone who bought one.  :)  Hopefully, my stories will connect with you also.

Now my family is looking at our summer trip, and I'm searching out new locations to set books.  Because of friends and acquaintances, I have a network of people to ask.  My friend who's a math professor has been to Seattle, as well as some of her colleagues who I met at her birthday party.  One of our authors lives in British Columbia and was kind enough to send me some links, as well as an invitation to visit.  My friend in the St. Louis RWA (MORWA) who's been to Washington will be next on my list to ask, as well as our member who moved to Oregon.  Here's most of the MORWA bunch who attended RWA National's conference last year in New York City. These connections have become the network I rely on.

Just as I take a skein of yarn and connect it over and over into a single project, so I have also woven together friends from different areas and made my life richer and more interesting.  And I've done some of that via the web, lol, just as I'm learning to crochet. 

I met a friend on the blog here after she made a comment, connected with her in DC, and am always so pleased to visit with her on the internet. I hope to "connect" with more of you in the future. 

Megan Kelly


Megan Kelly said...

Well, there *was* a lovely baby blanket pic. Honest. If you click the tiny square, it opens in another window. This is my first time on the new Blogger and it isn't as smooth as the previous version. (Obviously not idiot proof.)

Marin Thomas said...

Megan, the baby blanket is so sweet. I think it's great that you're learning to do this. My grandmother made a blanket for each of my kids and it seems like those blankets are in every baby picture we's a great memory for them. My daughter even wrote an essay on the "nana" her great-grandmother made for a class in school one year.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blanket. When I had my daughter, I love 3 homemade blankets. I just do not have any talent to knit or crochet. And we sell yarn where I work!!

Amanda Renee said...

I love the baby blanket. I give you credit. I have attempted to learn how to crochet and knit over the years, only to cause injury to myself. Heck, it took me 15 years to be able to thread the bobbin on the sewing machine. My hats off to you!