Tuesday, February 06, 2007

There's something about going home.

Last week my sister and I went back to our hometown to take care of family business. She hadn't been there in quite a while, and every place we went she commented on how small things seemed. When you were a kid your grandmother's kitchen looked like the Taj Mahal, although in reality it was probably your normal run-of-the mill room. But what do you expect when you're only four feet tall. I haven't been a kid in a long, long time so I'm not sure why everything seemed a bit Lilliputian.

And that brings me to the delightful part of our trip. I was able to connect with several people I hadn't seen since high school. Catching up on the gossip was a ton of fun, and more than once my reaction was a resounding "You've got to be kidding!"

Since I write about small towns, it was great opportunity to stock up on stories about colorful characters. And believe me, small southern towns are a treasure trove of eccentric folks.

So, if you're thinking about going home - just remember that some things will feel so right, and others will feel like a tight pair of jeans - a wee bit tight and a tad uncomfortable.

Have a wonderful day.
Ann DeFee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I moved so much when I was young that it's hard to know for sure what going home is. But, we did have one city we came back to a few times through the years that I've always felt a connection to. It lays in a valley and whenever I top the hill that overlooks town, I feel that sense of a homecoming. Don't really have any contact with any of the people that live there anymore, it's a much larger place than where I'm at now. There was one time though when I decided to track down this one small town we'd lived in when I was in the 4th grade. The memories I'd had of it were nothing like the real thing. It was a really strange feeling.